
Huawei Watch Fit 2 : Is it Really Worth Buying?

If you are someone that is thinking of buying the Huawei Watch Fit 2 but unsure if it’s worth buying, then this article is definelty for you. Each device that I test, goes through six different categories, and I have to say the Watch Fit 2 has took me surprise.

I was never fond of the Huawei devices, but being a smart watch blogger I had to provide unbiased results. After putting the device through it’s paces, it’s really changed how I look at Huawei devices now. Here are the final ratings after my testing.

CategoryRating Strength
Smart Features10/15Strong
Health FeaturesAverage
Third Party Ability11/15Strong
Tracking Workouts11/15Strong
GPS Tracking10/15Strong
Battery life9/10Very Strong

The final results show that the Watch Fit 2 is fairly well rounded except for the health features. With Five out of the six categories tested with a strong level of reliability, there is some room for improvement and I think this is important to see this first before you make any decisions before you buy.

Take a good look at what features matter to you in a smart watch or fitness tracker. I will go through each category and explain some of things to look out for, which is important to help you make a decision.

Smart Feature Ability is Excellent

Controlling music from your device is a fantastic feature

If you are not familiar with the term smart features, it’s the ability to provide some sort of automation into your everyday life. Over the years smart watches and fitness trackers have become smarter as next generation models keep coming through.

With the Watch Fit 2 I was very surprised at the watch’s ability to do so, and in the end I was very impressed. Although the device did really well during the testing, there were some things I kind of wish it had in order to become an even better device. Anyway I will quickly explain what I mean but here is the final results for this category.

Final Score10/15

I have already written a full article on my test results, so if you want to know more about how I go about testing and what I lookout for, then I will provide a link below to take you there. I will explain some of the features I liked and something to ponder on.

Like, Answer Calls and Make Calls – The Watch Fit 2 can answer phone calls and has the ability to make phone calls, as long as your phone is in Bluetooth range. I find this feature really handy, especially when answering calls. The only drawback is that you can only store 20 contacts so be mindful on who should be on your favourites list. I have found that if you are near static energy like a microwave, or drying operating near you it can make your connection weak.

See also  Huawei GT 3 : Using The Metronome Feature is Fantastic.

Like, Control music – The music player is some thing that I use everyday. The device has the ability to store songs into the Huawei Health app, so you can play it back when you want to. Also it has the ability to connect to your favourite streaming services such as Spotify. The screen is fairly big so it’s really nice to changes songs or adjust volume.

Unavailable, NFC payment – I can only speak from my own version of the Watch Fit 2 here in New Zealand, and I never got to test this feature during my testing. I do know some countries around the world do have it. If this feature is important to you, then check before you buy.

Full article : For more information about the Watch Fit 2’s smart feature ability click on the link provided. It will give you all details that you need

Article : Huawei Watch Fit 2 : Smart feature ability is very good

Health Features is Fairly Average

Connect to Bluetooth sensors for greater accuracy.

Health feature for the Huawei Watch Fit 2 is very low level but good enough to provide a general idea of your health. For some that is good enough, but for others not so much, but at the end of the day it’s your call if the device meets your needs.

The Watch Fit 2 can measure your variable heart rate, blood oxygen, stress management tools, sleep tracking and snore detection. Please note that it’s not quite at the same level of accuracy that you would expect from a Fitbit, Apple Watch, so keep that in mind before you buy.

If a general level of health tracking is ideal for you, then the Watch Fit 2 can do the job.

Article : Huawei Watch Fit 2 : How to set up snore detection

Third Party Ability is Excellent

Connect to different workout modes. Select the gear icon to further customise your workouts

If interacting with apps or third party apps is something that is important to you then this category would be of interest to you. In the end I found the experience very pleasing in some cases. I will explain what I mean when I explain the final results in detail. Here is a look at my final testing results for this category.

Connection TypeBluetooth
App Stores2/5
In Direct Ability5/5
Direct Ability4/5
Final Score11/15

App stores : When it comes to testing app stores, I look for the App gallery and it’s ability to manage apps to your device. 2 out of 5 is a fair rating in the end because it comes down to transferring apps within different eco systems. For example if you own a Galaxy Watch, you must have a android phone, or if you have a apple watch you need a apple phone to manage apps. The Watch Fit 2 is only compatible to android or Huawei phones. If you have a Apple phone, then it wont work.

In direct ability : If you are not familiar with the term, in direct is where you connect to a third party app by allowing permissions for the third party app to use your tracking data. This is done through a partnership between the third party app and the brand which is Huawei. If you have a premium subscription with Strava or Komoot then the Huawei Watch Fit 2 is very reliable when in use as a partnership.

See also  Huawei Watch Fit 2 vs Galaxy Watch 5: Which Will You Choose

Direct ability : If you are not familiar with the term, it’s the ability to control a app from your device. You dont really have too many options to choose from, in fact you only have three apps to choose. Although the device scored very highly in this phase of testing, the apps I did get to test did perform well which is why it got the 4 out of 5 rating.

Full Article : This is only a short summary on the Watch Fit 2’s ability to connect to apps or third party apps. If you want to know more about my tests including what I look for when testing, click on the article link below for more detailed information.

Article : Huawei Watch Fit 2 : Third party app ability is very good

Ability To Track your Workouts is Strong.

Use the timer at your convenience

Tracking your workouts is probably the Watch Fit 2’s strongest category, and the device does do a very good job of it. It’s not quite at the professional level, but powerful enough to do a good job. This is a very long category to explain but I will only detail the features that I like. Here is the final testing results for this category.

Activity LevelRating
Beginner Level5 out of 5
Intermediate Level5 out of 5
Advanced Level1 out of 5

Like, Importing/Exporting GPX Files – If you are someone that has saved your planned routes onto a third party app, you can transfer the GPX file into the Huawei Health app and synchronise the device to store the GPX file onto the watch. A fantastic feature that I use quite a lot, with third party app Komoot. I do have a full article to explain how to import/export GPX files so I will leave a link below so you can see the full article.

Like, Workout Status – Workout status is a new feature added by Huawei, using Trusport analytics. Workout status has features like training load, recovery times, running ability index and V02 max. If you are serious about getting fitter, then these features can help you along your journey.

Like, Connect to Bluetooth Sensors – I have only used my Polar H10 heart rate strap during my testing, but the device worked reliably and consistently. I think the device is more suited for runners and cyclists. For the cyclists, use a cadence sensor, and power axel sensor. As for running, use the Huawei S-TAG motion sensor.

Article : I can write a lot of great things about the Huawei Watch Fit 2 when it comes to tracking your workouts. If you want to check out my testing results, check the links provided below for more detailed information

See also  Huawei Watch Fit 2 : Swimming Features And What to Expect

GPS Tracking is Reliable

Multiple watch faces

When it comes to GPS tracking, the Watch Fit 2 is very reliable. The device can connect to 5 satellite systems which is GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou and QZSS. During my testing I can only use GPS, GLONASS and Galileo because of where I am, New Zealand. In reality the results were based off 3 satellite systems. In the end it was a good result, here is the final results for this category.

GPS DifficultyRatingComments
Easy Level5Excellent precision
Hard Level1Not good
Very Hard Level4Very good precision

The only area that it didn’t do too well, is the Hard test I did. Every device that I have tested have achieved the same result, so I may need to look at how I do my tests for future watch’s.

What I wanted to achieve during the testing is, what the GPS accuracy would look like if I was walking alongside tall buildings, which is why every device I have tested failed. Please check the link below to see the full results of my GPS accuracy tests

Article : Huawei Watch Fit 2 : GPS Accuracy is very good

Fantastic Battery Life

App gallery

When it comes to testing battery life, I do two types of tests. First test is based on my typical usage without GPS tracking. The second test is GPS battery consumption. Two very important factors to consider depending on the watch user. Based on my testing I would get 6-9 days on a single charge. I will go over every aspect, but here is my final results for this category.

Battery Economy Without GPS Tracking4/5
GPS Battery Consumption Rate Per Hour5/5
Final Result9/10

Battery Economy

Please note that these results are based off my typical usage. Here is what my typical usage looks like, and also it’s what I stick to when ever I test a device

  • All day heart rate tracking including sleep tracking
  • AOD : 20-25 screen activations
  • 50 minutes workout tracking
  • 20 messages
  • 1 hour of GPS tracking
Battery life Economy (No GPS)10% per day
No of days9
Star rating4 out of 5
battery life test ends once 90% has been used

GPS Battery Consumption

If you are anyone like me and use GPS tracking a lot, then you will know that GPS tracking is a massive battery drainer. The Watch Fit 2 can match it with some of the top brands on the market. The Watch Fit 2 uses 5% of battery life per hour which is very impressive. If you were to do one hour of GPS tracking per day, including typical usage, this is what the numbers look like.

Battery life Economy10% per day
GPS battery consumption per hour5%
Total battery usage15%
Total number of days6
battery life test ends once 90% has been used

Final Conclusion

Calculator app you can download from the app gallery

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have learnt a lot about the Huawei Watch Fit 2. I do get that there was a lot of information to absorb, but it’s no easy way to answer the question unless you know what kind of user you are dealing with. So the best approach in this case was to categories the information.

I think doing it this way will help you decide what kind of watch you are looking for and would it meet your specific needs. Out of the six categories the Watch fit 2 achieved a strong rating, but it does have some key features missing. I thought that was important in case it’s a feature that you must have.

The classic example is the smart feature ability. The device got a strong rating but it doesn’t have NFC payment, or a digital assistant like Alexa or Google assistant. I can only speak for the version of watch that I have in New Zealand, but just those key details can make a difference in a users experience. Thank you for reading!!