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Huawei Watch Fit 2 vs Galaxy Watch 5: Which Will You Choose

In this comparison, we will assess the Huawei Watch Fit 2 and the Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 to determine which one is better for your needs. Initially, there may have been an assumption that the Galaxy Watch 5 was superior due to its advanced smartwatch features, whereas the Huawei Watch Fit 2 is a fitness tracker. Nevertheless, further evaluation is required to make a definite decision.

I don’t usually make comparisons based on specs in my articles since there are other websites that usually do a better job of that. This comparison will be taking a different approach, as I’m going to be looking at user experience in six different categories

After much consideration, the Huawei Watch Fit 2 was declared the winner of this comparison with a total of 3 matches won, including 1 draw for third party apps. This is not to say that the Watch Fit 2 is a better device than the Galaxy Watch 5, because at the end of the day, what matters most is that the user has the device that is best suited to their needs and preferences. These results are based on my personal experience,

Smart FeaturesGalaxy Watch 5
Health FeaturesGalaxy Watch 5
Third Party AppsDraw
Workout Mode AbilityHuawei Watch Fit 2
GPS TrackingHuawei Watch Fit 2
Battery LifeHuawei Watch Fit 2

Smart Features : Winner Samsung Galaxy Watch 5

Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 : Smart features is the galaxy watch’s strongest category

After a thorough assessment of the smart features of various watches, it became obvious that the Galaxy Watch Series 5 was the clear winner. Out of all six aspects that I judged the watch against, the Galaxy Watch’s smart features were the strongest, nearly rivaling the quality of the Apple Watch series, which is currently the benchmark of the industry.

The features of the Galaxy Watch are really remarkable and no doubt we will be seeing new improvements in the near future. I’ve been really taken aback by the smart features of the Galaxy Watch and here is a list of some of its standout capabilities.

  • Google wallet : contactless payments that’s very reliable around the world
  • Smart Things : Ability to connect and control smart devices in your home
  • Fall detection : Ability to contact your emergency contact if you fall
  • Smart gestures : Ability to control your phone with hand gestures ideal for persons with disabilities
  • Auto message reply : Ability to send automatic responses, in different ways such as text to speach or qwerty keyboard.

Please note that smart things is a future update later this year. An awesome feature that can connect to many smart devices in your home such as the ability to live stream to your home security systems including your door bell camera, control your air conditioning unit, smart TV and many more. It’s very similar to Apple Watch’s feature release last year for the Apple Watch 7.

The only downside with using the smart features is that it’s a massive battery drainer, but some people dont mind charging the watch every day.

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Health Features : Winner Samsung Galaxy Watch 5

Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 : has the ability to measure your BMI with a patented heart rate sensor.

When it comes to tracking your health and fitness, both devices do okay. both devices dont have the same level of accuracy as a Fitbit, Withings, Whoop or Apple watch. Both the Huawei and Samsung devices sort of rank in the middle of the range with sleep tracking, SP02 blood oxygen tracking and heart rate tracking.

While the Huawei Watch Fit 2 also has the ability to assess body mass index (BMI), I chose the Galaxy Watch in this category due to its higher accuracy in its readings. Even though it can be up to 15% off in its readings, it still gives you a general idea of your fitness level.

Third Party Apps : Draw

Samsung Galaxy Watch 5: Komoot, my favourite third party app for hiking and cycling. I can access directly, via watch or a better way in my opinion is in directly by linking your Samsung Health Account as a partnership, and leave your phone at home.

In terms of third party applications, both devices provide the capability to access third party apps straight from the smart watch or conversely, through account association. The Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 does have the edge when it comes to utilizing third party applications straight from the device because Google Play is usually more dependable than Huawei App Gallery.

To be fair, my experience with the Huawei App Gallery isnt the greatest because you can only use the apps only if you have a Huawei smart phone.

The reason why I call this a draw is because in my experience, using third party apps by linking your Samsung Health or Huawei Health account is the better way to go about it. I like the ability to leave my phone at home when I workout and not worry about any damage to my phone or losing it in the process.

When I return home and my watch is in Bluetooth range, all of my data syncs with the watch. You have to allow permissions for the watch to sync with the phone and this is where the draw comes in to play.

Workout Mode Ability : Winner Huawei Watch Fit 2

When it comes to tracking your workouts, the Huawei Watch Fit 2 is the clear winner in this category. With the Galaxy Watch 5 strongest category is smart features, the Huawei Watch Fit 2 strongest category is tracking your workouts.

I have already written an article on both devices workout mode ability, so I will not rehash that information. Here is the Final scores and I will give a brief of the features that the Galaxy Watch 5 does not offer.

Workout Mode Ability Comparison

Activity LevelGalaxy Watch 5Huawei Watch Fit 2
Beginner Level5 out of 55 out of 5
Intermediate Level2 out of 55 out of 5
Advanced Levelzero out of 51 out of 5
Galaxy Watch 5 vs Huawei Watch Fit 2 : In this comparison, the Huawei Watch Fit 2 wins with a 11 point rating.

Workout Mode Rating Criteria

  • Basic Level : Calorie counting, have various workout modes available to track, heartrate tracking, step counting, duration of workout, heart rate variation recording, ability to connect to third party apps (directly or indirectly), auto detection workout.
  • Intermediate Level : Ability to determine your fitness level, ability to measure training load/intensity, GPS Tracking, ability to improve cadence, AI coach feature
  • Advanced Level : Ability to connect to motion sensors, ability to prepare you for a race, Ability to provide advanced analytics (similar to Polar flow, Garmin Connect), ability to provide specialist features to improve performance. Advanced auto detection (automatically change workout modes based on your motion)
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1. Advanced Level : Ability To Connect To Motion Sensors


The Huawei Watch Fit 2 is a powerful fitness tracking device that is able to establish a connection to Bluetooth motion sensors, allowing for a more precise tracking experience. This is especially beneficial for running and cycling, as opposed to swimming. In comparison to the Huawei GT Runner or the Huawei GT series, this watch is an excellent and budget-friendly choice if you don’t want to spend a lot of money.

2. Intermediate Level : Ability To Measure Training Load


Training load is a valuable metric for anyone who is serious about their health and fitness. It is a simple and effective tool to help you monitor your progress and the progress of your workout regime. This feature allows you to enter your workout data into the Huawei Health app to calculate a personalized training load score for you.

There are 3 things that can affect your score which is the quality of your sleep, how well you are managing your stress and lastly how active you are. I like to think that this type of feature can make you accountable. If you dont manage any one of these your fitness journey towards your goals just got longer.

For more information about the Huawei Watch Fit 2 workout ability click here

GPS Tracking : Winner Huawei Watch Fit 2

Huawei Watch Fit 2 : GPS tracking is very reliable.

When it comes to tracking your location, both devices are highly reliable and accurate, with quick connections to satellites. The Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 has the edge over the Huawei Watch Fit 2, though, with its assisted GPS, which allows it to use other resources such as cell phone towers or servers to connect to the satellites.

In the Accuracy testing the Galaxy Watch 5 did come away with a 1 point advatage over the Huawei Watch Fit 2. 1 point isnt really enough to see a real difference between the two in terms of accuracy, but if you include GPS battery consumption a clear winner arises.

In the end the Huawei Watch Fit 2 is the winner in this category. Any watch that has a GPS battery consumption rate of up to 7 % is above all watches in the market. With a 5 star rating in GPS battery consumption the Fit 2 is the best. Here is the results of my tests and if you need to know more information about the tests i will be glad to provide links to those articles.

Location Tracking Sensor Comparison

ComparisonGalaxy Watch 5Watch Fit 2
QZSS navigation (Japanese)YesYes
GPS Navigation (American)YesYes
GLONASS (Russian)YesYes
Galileo Navigation (European)YesYes
BeiDou Navigation (Chinese)YesYes
Assisted GPSYesNo

GPS Battery Consumption Rate Hour Rating Table

  • Huawei Watch Fit 2 GPS consumption rate is 5%
  • Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 GPS consumption rate is 15%
  • The Huawei Watch Fit 2 has a GPS consumption rate that’s 67% more efficient than the Samsung Galaxy Watch 5
See also  Huawei Watch Fit 2 : How To Set Up Importing and Exporting GPX Files
No of StarsGPS Battery Consumption Rate
5 Up to 7% per hour
48% to 12% per hour
313 to 15% per hour
216 to 19% per hour
120 % or more
GPS Battery Consumption Rate : Rating guide that I have constructed

Overall Location Tracking Comparison

CategoryGalaxy Watch 5Watch Fit 2
GPS Accuracy11 out of 1510 out of 15
GPS Battery Consumption3 out of 55 out of 5
Huawei Watch Fit 2 GPS Accuracy : 100% alignment in this field test I have completed
Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 : GPS accuracy using the same planned route as the Huawei Watch Fit 2 field test. Same result, 100% alignment

Article Links to My GPS Tracking Field Tests

Battery Life : Winner Huawei Watch Fit 2

When it comes to battery life, the Huawei Watch Fit 2 definitely comes out on top. In order to properly score battery life, this is broken down into two tests. The first one is to measure the watch’s battery life while not using the GPS, while the second one is to measure the amount of battery consumed while using the GPS. Once these two tests have been done, I can give a final score.

My statistics that I have compiled for the Huawei Watch Fit 2 really make the performance of this watch stand out in this category. To make a comparison, I decided to add the Galaxy Watch’s watch only mode which is a battery saver mode that can help to extend the battery life of the watch. However, even with this feature, it still was not able to reach the level of performance of the Huawei Watch Fit 2.

For more information about the tests I have done, I will add a link below that will take you to the articles that I have written about the tests.

My Typical Usage Per Day

  • 60-70 minutes of strength training (Morning)
  • 60-70 minutes of GPS tracking (running/ hiking)
  • Up to 100 screen activations (AOD always on display)
  • Up to 20 messages viewed
  • All day heart rate tracking
  • Sleep tracking 6-7 hours per night

Summary of Battery Life Comparison

  • Huawei Watch Fit 2 is 67% more efficient in battery consumption without GPS tracking
  • Huawei Watch Fit 2 is 67% more efficient in GPS battery consumption rate
  • Huawei Watch Fit 2 is 33% quicker when recharging battery.

Comparison Based on My Typical Usage (Power Saver Mode)

FeatureGalaxy Watch 5Watch Fit 2
Battery Consumption Rate Without GPS Tracking30% Per Day10% Per Day
No of Days Without GPS Tracking*39
GPS Battery Consumption Rate15% per hour5% per hour
Battery consumption rate with 1 hour GPS tracking45% per day15% per day
No of Days With 1 hour of GPS tracking per day*1.56-7 days
Time to recharge battery from 0 to 100%150 minutes100 minutes
Time to recharge 1% of battery90 seconds60 seconds

Comparison Based on My Typical Usage (Watch Only Mode)

  • Galaxy Watch 5 can match the Huawei Watch Fit 2 battery consumption rate without GPS tracking, which is a 67% improvement
  • When it comes to battery consumption with 1 hour GPS tracking, there was a 56% improvement in battery life
  • How ever the Huawei Watch Fit 2 is still 40% efficient than the Galaxy Watch 5 in watch only mode.
FeatureGalaxy Watch 5Watch Fit 2
Battery Consumption Rate Without GPS Tracking10% Per Day10% Per Day
No of Days Without GPS Tracking*9 days9 days
GPS Battery Consumption Rate15% per hour5% per hour
Battery consumption rate with 1 hour GPS tracking25% per day15% per day
No of Days With 1 hour of GPS tracking per day*4 Days6-7 days
Galaxy Watch 5 vs Huawei Watch Fit 2 : If you use the Galaxy Watch’s watch only mode, you can almost get the same battery life as the Watch Fit 2.

Related Articles on Battery Life Consumption

Final Conclusion

We are grateful that you took the time to read this comparison article and we hope that it has provided you with the answers that you were looking for. The process of choosing a smart watch may not be simple, yet if you make a list of all the features that you wish for your watch to have, it will be worth the effort. This way, you can get more bang for your buck.

Even though the Huawei Watch Fit 2 came out as the clear winner of the comparison article, this does not mean that you should rule out any other options. The Galaxy Watch may not have all the features of the Huawei Watch Fit 2, but if you can find features that you think would be beneficial to you, then it’s worth considering as an option.