
Huawei Watch Fit 2 : Exciting Running Features On Offer

Huawei’s latest fitness tracker, Watch Fit 2 is a fantastic device for anyone who wants to track their overall holistic health. The focus of this article is on the Running features that the Huawei Watch 2 can offer to a user who is looking to upgrade from the original Watch Fit 2 or to anyone that is curious to know. The watch fit 2 has the new Trusport analytics, with this feature brings new and exciting running features for the user. Let’s take a closer look at each running feature offered by the Huawei Watch 2!

The Huawei Watch Fit 2 offer great Running features that can improve your running form

In Depth Running Features Are A Welcome Addition To The Watch Fit Series.

In the past few years, peoples interest in running has really taken off. Not sure what it is, but smart watch manufacturer’s like Huawei (including it’s competitor’s) have done some research into the health and well being communities. Some interesting things was discovered and found that running and holistic health were clearly something they truly want in a smart watch/fitness tracker.

As a result, fitness trackers with running features have become increasingly popular among buyers. And the latest Huawei Watch Fit 2 is no different, as it boasts a number of great running features to get people excited about their purchase.

Here is a list of running features that are available to you

  • Workout profiles : Indoor running, outdoor running
  • Running ability index (brand new feature)
  • Route back (brand new feature)
  • Pace zone (brand new feature)
  • Running courses including creating your own

And there you have it, and in my opinion I think this is pretty good for a fitness tracker like the Huawei Watch Fit 2. In fact it’s quite nice to see that Huawei have made the Trusport analytics available to a lower end fitness tracker. It may not have all the bells and whistles like the Huawei Watch GT Runner but effective enough to allow users to track their running and also provide recommendations to be come more efficient in your running ability. Which is great for anyone who is a beginner or just starting out on their fitness journey.

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What To Expect When Using The Workout Profiles Indoor Running And Outdoor Running

Well the big plus is the improved heart tracking in the Watch Fit 2. This is a requirement to power the Trusport analytics algorithm. From that, the Watch Fit 2 can provide you with the feed back that is unique to you. With the VO2 max functionality as this key metric can determine your bodies training load over a period of time. Regardless if your running workouts are indoor or outdoors, the Watch Fit 2 uses all of the work out data from all of the work out profiles available to you.

Indoor Running Profiles : Once activated the GPS is then switched off. Once this happens, all of your workout information is then tracked through the built in 9 axis accelerometer / Gyroscope and calculate your distance. In fact the 9 axis sensor tracks all indoor work out profiles, just so you know. Also, please be aware that if you intend to use the RAI feature, do not use the indoor running profile. Unfortunately the RAI does not support indoor running.

Outdoor Running Profile : Similar to indoor running profile but your running distance is tracked using the GPS and the 9 axis sensor. If you are wanting the RAI feature to track your outdoor running workout, make sure your running duration is longer than 12 minutes. Any shorter than this the RAI analytics wont kick in so please be aware of this when you are planning your outdoor run.

What To Expect of The New Running Ability Index Feature

From personal experience it’s a pretty cool feature. From a beginner perspective it’s like a coach by your side teaching you how to improve your running form. However the coach comes as a in a device that is attached to your wrist. If you are not familiar as to what RAI is a comprehensive index that reflects a runner’s endurance and technique efficiency. It’s based on data such as heart rate, pace, and VO₂max. The higher the RAI number the more efficient you are versus a very low number simply means you have some work to do.

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The new Trusport analytics feature is going to introduce a more accurate way to track your running progress and technique. The watch will be able to give you real-time updates on how you are doing while you are out for a run.

What To Expect From The New Pace Zone Feature

Pace zones are different intervals of running speed. People use these zones to measure how hard they are working during a run. There is a relationship between the heart rate and the pace, but this might change depending on what you are trying to do with your running. When this happens, you can use the pace zone as a way to measure how hard you are working.

The pace zone is divided based on the Running Ability Index. This index reflects the different running levels of people in the same pace zone. Your running performance and the Running Ability Index will change during your training, so you should update your pace zone based on this new data.

You can view your pace zone data through the Huawei Health App.

What To Expect With The Running Course

The Running Course is a fantastic feature that Huawei has to offer. The course is designed to help you improve your running form and technique. This is done by providing you with real-time feedback on your running form and technique. The Running Course will also allow you to see how your body is reacting to different types of terrain, so you can make adjustments to your running form accordingly.

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The Running Course is divided into four main sections:

  • The first section is the Pre-run Preparation, which will help you warm up properly before your run.
  • The second section is the Main Run, where you will focus on improving your running form and technique.
  • The third section is the Post-run Recovery, where you will focus on cooling down and recovering properly after your run.
  • The fourth section is the Training Plans, which will help you create a training plan that is tailored to your specific needs.

Final Conclusion

The Huawei Watch Fit 2 is a fantastic fitness tracker that has a lot to offer users. It is perfect for those who are looking to upgrade from the original Watch Fit or for anyone who is curious about the new features that the watch has to offer. The Trusport analytics feature brings new and exciting running features for the user. Overall, the Huawei Watch Fit is a great fitness tracker for anyone who is looking to track their overall health and get more out of their workout routine.

The one great thing about this watch is that it provides a nice balance. The Huawei Watch Fit 2 is very heavy on the Health features but also provides really good insight to anyone looking to improve on their running.

The Huawei Watch Fit 2 is a watch that is ideal for anyone that is starting out on their fitness journey or to anyone that is looking out for a running watch that’s not too expensive. It’s a watch that has a lot of features to offer and it’s a great all-rounder.

Thank you for reading and I hope you found this article useful.

huawei watch fit 2 running