
Huawei Watch GT Runner : Dual-Band Five-System GNSS Accuracy

If you are looking for a watch that can track your runs and outdoor activities with pinpoint accuracy, the new Huawei Watch GT Runner may be just what you are looking for. This amazing timepiece features dual-band five-system GNSS accuracy, which is more accurate than GPS or GNOASS. With this watch, you can track your movements with incredible precision, no matter where you are.

What is Dual Band Five-System GNSS?

Dual-band five-system GNSS is a technology that uses multiple satellite signals to track your movements with pinpoint accuracy. It offers superior accuracy and performance than GPS or GNOASS, making it the ideal choice for athletes and outdoor enthusiasts.

The Huawei Watch GT Runner features dual-band five-system GNSS, which means you can track your movements with incredible precision, no matter where you are. Whether you are running a marathon or hiking in the wilderness, this watch will help you stay on track.

What is GNSS and How Does it Work?

GNSS stands for Global Navigation Satellite System and is a technology that uses satellites to provide location and time information. There are three main types of GNSS: GPS, GLONASS, and BeiDou. Each system has its own set of satellites that orbit the Earth. When you use a device with GNSS capabilities, it communicates with these satellites to determine your location.

How does GNSS work?

When you turn on your device’s GNSS, it begins communicating with satellites in the system. These satellites orbit the Earth in a specific pattern and send out signals that your device can use to calculate its location. By measuring the time it takes for these signals to reach your device, the device can determine its distance from each satellite. Using this data, the device can then triangulate its position on Earth.

GNSS accuracy is affected by a number of factors, including the number of satellites in view, the quality of the signal, and atmospheric interference. However, GNSS is generally more accurate than GPS.

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How accurate is GNSS?

The accuracy of GNSS depends on the system. GPS has an accuracy of about five meters, GLONASS has an accuracy of about two meters, and BeiDou has an accuracy of about ten centimeters.

Is GNSS more accurate than GPS?

Yes, it is more accurate than GPS. GPS has an accuracy of about five meters, while GNSS has an accuracy of about two meters. BeiDou has an accuracy of about ten centimeters.

GNSS is also more accurate than GNOASS. GNOASS has an accuracy of about three meters, while GNSS has an accuracy of about two meters. BeiDou has an accuracy of about ten centimeters.

What is BeiDou Satellites, and Why it is So accurate?

BeiDou satellites are a part of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS), which is a Chinese satellite navigation system. It is the fourth largest global GNSS system, after GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo. The BDS system has more than 35 satellites in orbit and offers superior accuracy than GPS or GNOASS.

Why is BeiDou so accurate?

BeiDou satellites use a different positioning method than GPS or GLONASS satellites. They use a combination of pseudo range and carrier-phase measurements to determine the user’s location. This results in an accuracy of about ten centimeters. BeiDou is also the only global GNSS system that uses both passive and active antennas, which further enhances its accuracy.

A Floating Antenna Built Inside The Watch For Superior Accuracy

The active antenna in the Huawei Watch Runner allows for better accuracy in position using the BeiDou satellites. Huawei has been working on this technology for many years to improve the accuracy of their products.

The floating antenna is located in the bezel of the watch and does not move around like traditional antennas. This keeps it in a fixed position and allows for more accurate signal reception. The antenna also uses multiple receivers to receive signals from different satellites simultaneously, which further enhances accuracy.

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What is the Difference Between GPS and GNSS

A GPS receiver uses only one global navigation satellite system, while GNSS receivers use information from many such systems at the same time. This allows them to “see” more satellites at any given time. Septentrio receivers can connect to any satellite in each GNSS system for maximum positioning availability and accuracy.

The table below is a snap shot of the GNSS satellite system. GPS system you only have access to 32 satellites, whereas the GNSS satellite system you have access to most depending on where you are in the world

GNSSCountryNo Satellite’sCoverage
BeiDouChina15/21China Region
QZSSJapan4Asia, Pacific, Japan
NavICIndia7India Region

GNSS Can Detect Your Position In Difficult Environments Accurately

A GNSS receiver can calculate its position (longitude, latitude, height) when it is connected to at least four satellites. By using corrections, like RTK, a GNSS receiver can improve its accuracy to be very close to the real world location. The more satellites a receiver can see, the more accurate it becomes.

When there are a lot of machines or buildings in the way, it is hard to see the sky and the satellites. This means that there are not as many satellites that we can use to help us find our way. But receivers that track multiple types of satellite systems can “see” more satellites, which makes them better at working in difficult conditions.

The Huawei Watch GT Runner is a great example of a GNSS receiver that can work well in difficult environments. With its built-in floating antenna and multiple receivers, it can connect to more satellites than a standard GPS receiver. This makes it more accurate and allows you to track your position even when there are obstacles in the way.

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GNSS Can Detect Your Position When Obstructed from The Sky

If you are running through a dense forest or running under a bridge or tunnel. The GNSS/INS system can use the inertial sensor or antenna to calculate the relative position to the last known GNSS position, filling in the gaps during a temporary GNSS outage.

This is a smart feature in this type of technology. Especially when you are planning your running trail and can accurately now the distance you will be running.

Why is GNSS Satellite Navigation Important For Runners in General

The Huawei Watch GT Runner is a great example of a GNSS receiver that can work well in difficult environments. With its built-in floating antenna and multiple receivers, it can connect to more satellites than a standard GPS receiver. This makes it more accurate and allows you to track your position even when there are obstacles in the way.

GNSS satellite navigation is important for runners because it gives them accurate information about their location. With a good GNSS receiver, they can track their speed, distance, and pace while running. This information helps runners to improve their performance and training.


Dual-band five-system GNSS is one of the latest and most advanced technologies when it comes to tracking runners’ movements. It can pinpoint your location with amazing accuracy, even in difficult environments, so you can always be sure of where you are on the map.

I would highly recommend using Huawei Watch GT Runner if you want to take your running performance to the next level – this device has all the features you need to track your progress and improve your times. Thanks for reading!