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Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 Vs Fitbit Versa 4 Comparison

In this article, I put together a comparison between the Galaxy Watch 5 and the Fitbit Versa 4. Both devices offer similar features, so it should be a good comparison. As a note, I won’t be talking about the specs of the devices, this review will only focus on the features.

The Galaxy Watch 5 ultimately came out on top in the comparison, prevailing 4-2. While both devices are in the same price range – around $400 NZD – the Galaxy Watch 5 has more features. To summarise, here are the results of the comparison

Smart FeaturesGalaxy Watch 5
Health FeaturesFitbit Versa 4 (Premium)
Third Party AppsGalaxy Watch 5
Workout Mode AbilityGalaxy Watch 5
GPS TrackingGalaxy Watch 5
Battery LifeFitbit Versa 4
Galaxy Watch 5 vs Fitbit Versa 4 : Galaxy watch 5 winning in the feature comparison 4-2.

If you’ve read any of my past articles, you’ll know that the winner of this comparison doesn’t necessarily mean that one is superior to the other. Ultimately, it always depends on your individual preference and what you plan to use the device for, so don’t let this comparison sway your decision.

To explain why the winner came out on top, I will delve into detail on each category.

Smart Features : Winner Samsung Galaxy Watch 5

It is without question that the Galaxy Watch 5 is the clear winner in this classification and they can offer the same smart features as the Versa 4 has, but to a more elevated level, such as NPC Google Assistant and Google Maps (a new component in the Versa 4). The music control characteristic of the Galaxy Watch 5 is an incredibly advantageous element. There are two smart features that really impress me about the Galaxy Watch 5 and I will go into detail for each.

1. Quick Reply Messaging and Calling

You have a great selection of options when it comes to quick replies. You can opt for the qwerty keyboard, pre-loaded messages, or voice to text to quickly compose your reply. I really appreciate this feature because it is so convenient and I don’t have to waste time opening my phone. The only downside is that the battery life will deplete much faster, meaning you will need to recharge daily if you use this feature frequently. This feature is on a same level as the Apple Watch quick reply feature.

2. Smart Things App

The Samsung Smart Things application has been available for some time now, and it’s a convenient way to link up with the smart devices in your home. In a forthcoming update, the Smart Things app will be able to sync with the Galaxy Watch 5, giving you the capacity to control any of the smart gadgets in your house like

  • Live stream to door bell
  • Live stream to security cameras
  • Smart locks
  • Washing Machines
  • Air conditioner
  • Dryer
  • Oven and Microwave
  • TV or laptops

This list of smart devices is far from complete, but it should give you a good idea of what you may be able to do with the app when it is released. Unfortunately, the official date has yet to be announced, but the good news is that users from the United Kingdom and America will likely be the first to be able to try it out.

See also  Galaxy Watch 5 Pro Workout Mode Ability is Reasonably Good

Additionally, this feature competes with the Apple Watch in that it has the capability to control smart home devices. Apple watch does have the upper hand because it’s more stable. It was made available upon the last update to the Apple Watch 7, and Apple Watch 8 as released a few months later. Smart things still has some work to do in order to keep up with Apple Watch.

Health Features : Winner Fitbit Versa 4 (Premium Only)

Fitbit is known for its great health features, but these are only accessible with a premium subscription. If the premium subscription lapses, all you’re left with is a basic fitness tracker, so it’s important to know this. Where the Versa 4 gains the advantage in this category is with really in two features: Sleep Tracking accuracy and Skin temperature readings.

Sleep tracking accuracy is very good and Fitbit have invested a lot of time and research in providing a better sleep tracking experience. There are 3 other reliable sleep tracking devices which are Apple Watch, Withings and Whoop. It’s not a medical device but a great insight to your sleep patterns and activity.

Skin Temperature readings is an exceptionally beneficial feature given that the Versa 4 does have an integrated skin temperature sensor. To acquire an accurate temperature reading, one must wear the device for a minimum of 3 consecutive nights. Additionally, there is a distinct widget in the Fitbit App that allows one to track their skin temperature throughout the week, month, or year.

This feature is really to improve sleep quality and gives you an idea how much work your skin does to regulate the bodies core temperature. In order to get quality sleep your body needs to keep nice and cool so the body can reach a deep sleep. Each body mass is different and the Fitbit device will give you an idea what the best temperature is for you.

Third Party Apps : Winner Samsung Galaxy Watch 5

Certainly, the Versa 4 does have the capacity to be connected to third-party apps, but it does not reach the same level of sophistication as the Galaxy Watch 5. The Versa 4 has NFC, and the new Google assistant and Google Maps, but not to the same extent as the Galaxy Watch 5.

One of the best features of the Galaxy Watch 5 is that it’s able to directly or indirectly connect to third-party apps through Samsung Health and Wear OS. Many of the top-ranking apps in Google Play Store are compatible with it. However, I personally don’t use too many third-party apps with the Galaxy Watch 5.

If I were to do so, my personal inclination is to link the Samsung Health App to outside applications because I can leave my phone at home and when my phone is within Bluetooth range all the new tracking data in the watch will be updated on my phone, providing the third party applications access to this information and giving me the insight and analysis I am searching for.

See also  Fitbit Versa 4 : Is The GPS Tracking Accurate?

Workout Mode Ability : Winner Samsung Galaxy Watch 5

Both devices are able to track and monitor your workouts, but if you don’t want to get Fitbit Premium then the Galaxy Watch 5 is the clear winner. To help you decide here is a comparison of the two devices and their capabilities for tracking your workouts.

Activity LevelVersa 4Galaxy Watch 5
Basic Level5/55/5
Intermediate Level2/53/5
Advanced Level0/50/5
7 out of 158 out of 15
Workout mode ability comparison: Each activity level gives a rating out of 5. The Versa 4 ratings is with the premium subscription. If rated without premium, the versa 4 would be a 6 out of 15
  • Basic Level : Calorie counting, have various workout modes available to track, heartrate tracking, step counting, duration of workout, heart rate variation recording, ability to connect to third party apps (directly or indirectly), auto detection workout.
  • Intermediate Level : Ability to determine your fitness level, ability to measure training load/intensity, GPS Tracking, ability to improve cadence, AI coach feature
  • Advanced Level : Ability to connect to motion sensors, ability to prepare you for a race, Ability to provide advanced analytics (similar to Polar flow, Garmin Connect), ability to provide specialist features to improve performance. Advanced auto detection (automatically change workout modes based on your motion)

As you can see, the Galaxy Watch 5 has a slight advantage in the workout mode ability category, scoring 8 out of 15 compared to Versa 4’s 7 out of 15, but only if you opt to pay for Fitbit Premium. If you don’t decide to go with Fitbit Premium, then you miss out on some of the intermediate level tracking features, like daily readiness, and then the score drops to 6 out of 15. Really the Versa 4 is a smart watch that provides workout mode tracking at a basic level.

The Galaxy Watch 5, although it does not have the capacity to give any tracking information at an advanced level, can still offer intermediate level tracking data. Unfortunately, it is not capable of tracking cadence at this level. Nevertheless, the Galaxy Watch 5 does stand out for its ability to track fitness level by measuring heart rate recovery and the walking test. I have also composed an in-depth article about these features, so if you require further information please take a look

GPS Tracking : Winner Samsung Galaxy Watch 5

I found that when using the Versa 4 for GPS tracking, it took a while for the GPS to connect not to mention the issue of it being consistently inaccurate. There have been at times when the Versa 4 vibrates indicating it has lost connection to the satelites. When you see the route on the Versa 4, the final result can be way off. If GPS tracking is important to you, then the Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 wins hands down.

See also  Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 : Is It Suitable for Swimming?

The Galaxy Watch 5 has the capacity to link up to multiple satellite navigational systems, yet where the Galaxy Watch 5 truly stands out is the addition of AGPS or, more familiarly known as, assisted GPS. The great thing about this is that you are able to utilize local services to swiftly connect to the GPS satellite. The services I am discussing is the use of cell phone towers or data servers to establish a connection to satellites.

With this the GPS tracking is very good and fairly reliable, but there is a downside to assisted GPS. If you are in a area where you cannot get cell phone coverage or have no data coverage, GPS tracking can be difficult. Here is the final comparison between the two devices in terms of GPS tracking:

GPS Comparison

ComparisonVersa 4Huawei GT3
Assisted GPSNoYes
Dual Band FrequencyNoNo
GPS Navigation (American)YesYes
GLONASS (Russian)NoYes
Galileo Navigation (European)NoYes
BeiDou Navigation (Chinese)NoYes
Accuracy1 out of 43 out of 4
GPS Comparison : Galaxy Watch 5 have the advantage of connecting to multiple sensors, and the level of accuracy is very good.
Fitbit versa 4 GPS tracking accuracy easy level
Fitbit Versa 4 vs Galaxy Watch 5 : Easy GPS test, left is the Versa 4, the blue markings indicate the major miss alignments in tracking. Right : Galaxy Watch 5, no issues of tracking, no miss alignments in the easy test. 100% accurate.
Fitbit Versa 4 vs Galaxy Watch 5 : This is what can happen if you dont be patient in waiting to connect to a satellite with the Versa 4. Left : is the Versa 4 tracking where I jumped the gun when tracking my location.

Battery Life : Winner Fitbit Versa 4

The battery life of the Versa 4 is quite impressive. According to Fitbit, the Versa 4 can be used for up to 6 days on a single charge; however, based on my typical use I am able to get more than 6 days of battery life out of it.

Those who have experienced the ownership of a Galaxy Watch are aware of its not-so-great battery life, but many may not find it too troublesome to charge the watch every day or every other day. Ultimately, the Versa 4 reigns supreme in this category, and here is a final overview of the comparison between both of these devices in terms of battery life:

My Typical Usage Per Day

  • 60-70 minutes of strength training (Morning)
  • 60-70 minutes of GPS tracking (running/ hiking)
  • Up to 100 screen activations (AOD always on display)
  • Up to 20 messages viewed
  • All day heart rate tracking
  • Sleep tracking 6-7 hours per night

Comparison Based on My Typical Usage

FeatureVersa 4Galaxy Watch 5
No of Days Without GPS Tracking*6-73
Battery Consumption Rate Without GPS Tracking15% Per Day30% Per Day
No of Days With 1 hour of GPS tracking per day*41.5 days
GPS Battery Consumption Rate7% per hour15% per hour
Battery consumption rate with 1 hour GPS tracking22% per day45% per day
Time to recharge battery from 0 to 100%150 minutes150 minutes
Time to recharge 1% of battery90 seconds90 seconds
Battery Life Comparison : Please note that once the watch reaches 10% remaining, that is the final rating.

Final Overview of The Two Devices On Battery Life.

  • Versa 4 is 2 times more efficient than the Galaxy Watch 5 when it comes to battery consumption rate without GPS tracking
  • Versa 4 is 2 times more efficient than the Galaxy Watch 4 when it comes to GPS battery consumption per hour
  • Both devices are very slow when recharging especially against Huawei which is 20% faster than these devices

Final Conclusion

So, there you have it – a comparison between both devices in terms of features. It’s important to note that each device has its own strengths, so who ever wins this comparison doesn’t mean that one device is better than the other. Ultimately, it always comes down to your personal preference and goals.

Furthermore, I am sure you have gained a great deal from this article. The most impressive assets of the Versa 4 are its Health features (only available to premium users), battery life and fundamental functionality. The most significant benefits of the Galaxy Watch 5 are its smart features and its reasonably good overall capabilities with a limited battery life.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you found this article useful, especially if you are deciding to buy either smart watch. At least you can make a informed decision and get the best value for your money.