
Galaxy Watch 5 Pro : GPS Accuracy Is Fairly Good

In the recent past, I closely examined the precision of the Galaxy Watch 5, and I anticipate that the Pro version should not be any different. During my assessment, I was incredibly content with the results I achieved, and I have identified a few things that will certainly improve the convenience of the watch.

After testing several smart watches for GPS tracking and accuracy, I can confidently say that the Galaxy Watch 5 Pro experience is a great improvement over the Galaxy Watch 5 version. It is now competitive against the other smart watches that are currently available on the market.

  • GPS Battery Consumption Rate is Impressive
  • Easy Level Test Results : Very Good
  • Hard Level Test Results : Very Good
  • Very Hard Level Test Results : Fair

Generally speaking, the pass mark is appropriate, taking into account the battery consumption rate was noteworthy.

GPS Battery Consumption Rate Is Impressive

Before I venture into the test results, I always like to examine one other important feature with respect to GPS tracking, and that is battery consumption. We all know that GPS tracking is a huge source of battery drainage which can affect the time you spend engaging in activities and also the number of charging cycles needed. I love going out for hikes and it usually takes me around 3 hours to finish, so knowing how much battery life the device has available is fundamental. Here is some information in comparison to the Galaxy Watch 5 version,

  • 23% extra capacity over the Galaxy Watch 5
  • 2 times more efficient in GPS battery consumption
  • The Galaxy Watch 5 Pro GPS consumption is about 2-3% per hour when battery life is 50% or lower.
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Battery FeaturesGalaxy Watch 5Galaxy Watch 5 Pro
Battery Capacity455 MAH590 MAH
GPS Consumption Rate12% per hour5% per hour

The one thing that I’m fond of with the Galaxy Watch 5 Pro version is that its GPS battery consumption rate is two times more efficient than usual. Plus, when the battery life is 50% or below, the GPS consumption rate can be improved by up to 5 times. All of this made the Galaxy Watch 5 Pro version even more appealing to me.

Easy Level Test Results : Very Good

When I looked at my route from a far away, it seemed very accurate. As I reviewed the track closer I was pleased to see that it followed me pretty closely, although I did notice a few minor discrepancies when I zoomed in. Nevertheless, the amount of accuracy was sufficient enough for me to use the route back feature.

Easy Test Level Conditions

  • Strong phone signal (useful for the Assisted GPS feature)
  • Small amount of obstructions : power pole lines, trees.
  • Final result : Level of accuracy is very good.
Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 Pro : GPS accuracy looks pretty good from a distance the red rectangle is where I will provide a close up view of the GPS tracking
Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 Pro : Zoomed in the accuracy looks very good. I chose this area as its the only thing that’s challenging in the course

Hard Level Test Results : Very Good

The purpose of this particular test was to determine the accuracy of my watch when I couldn’t see the sky above me, which is why I was instructed to walk under a awning. There were, of course, other challenges to consider, such as the presence of very tall buildings. Fortunately, when I reviewed the final results I was pleased to find that the accuracy of my watch was still quite good.

When I had initially thought that there were going to be some hindrances in the township that would make the accuracy unreliable, luckily, that wasn’t the case. All-in-all, the Galaxy Watch 5 Pro managed to pass the difficult test with flying colors.

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Hard Level Test Conditions

  • Strong phone signal (useful for the Assisted GPS feature)
  • Strong level of obstructions : walking directly under a awning
  • Final result : Level of accuracy is very good.
Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 Pro : From the satellite the GPS accuracy is indeed very good. The blue rectangle is the area I will be zooming in to see the full detail.
Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 Pro : Close up view of the GPS tracking. Definitely tracked accurately which was a very good result.
Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 Pro : A snap shot of my planned route walking under a awning. If you happen to be walking through your local town, GPS tracking should be reasonably good.

Very Hard Test Results : Fair

This extensive evaluation will have me wandering through the great forest area. Examining how the Galaxy Watch 5 Pro is able to cope with a very hard situation is the main goal of this test. Numerous tall items like trees could hamper the accuracy of the watch and the thick overgrowth gives the satellite a hard time in trying to pinpoint your location.

After assessing the last results, I was pleased to find that it performed exceptionally well. Although there were still some slight contrasts in a few places, the difference was so tiny that it was difficult to tell.

  • Strong phone signal (useful for the Assisted GPS feature)
  • Strong level of obstructions : Dense forest, overhead brush
  • Final result : Level of accuracy is fair.
Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 Pro : GPS tracking is fairly good. I was very pleased with the final result. The blue rectangle is where it was slightly out but you wouldn’t really notice.

Final Conclusion

The GPS accuracy of the Galaxy Watch 5 Pro was phenomenal. The test results show that the watch has an accuracy thats fairly reliable for tracking your location.

In addition, population density can have an adverse effect on the reliability of your position. Recently I have been delving into the problems faced by engineers when designing a new driverless car and why they deem the GPS accuracy is inadequate for the car to drive unaided. The population density of my test results is very low and the accuracy of the watch is pretty good.

Regarding the GPS battery consumption rate I am highly impressed and was astounded by its battery life. I appreciate this greatly as I am now able to go out with assurance knowing that my battery won’t run out of power.

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Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have learnt a lot about the GPS accuracy of the Galaxy Watch 5 Pro. Its definitely impressive.

Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 Pro GPS Tracking is Very Reliable and Accuracy is Good (1)