
Garmin Forerunner 55 : Adds 3 New Features To It’s Running Program

Garmin have just released their newest fitness tracker, the Forerunner 55. It’s a great choice for beginner level athletes, as it packs in all of the features of the Forerunner 45, plus three new running features that are sure to benefit anyone starting out on their fitness journey. If you’re looking for a watch that can help you track your progress and motivate you to keep going, then the Forerunner 55 is definitely worth considering!

Garmin forerunner 55 running features

Im Not Surprised All of The Forerunner 45 Running Features Have Carried Over.

Like I say I’m not surprised. I mean if you were to offer up a fitness tracker at the lower end of the price scale. The Garmin Forerunner 45 had it right. If you were a beginner and wanted to try your hand at running.

The Forerunner 45 had the right features to start you off. It’s all about building the right foundations, and once that is in place you can continue to progress with the more scientific analysis. But it came with a catch.

If you wanted in depth running analysis you had to buy the running pod accessory. Where it uses the data from the cadence feature and translate that into useful information such as stride length, in depth analysis of stride length and form. Very technical stuff indeed, however as a beginner it would be helpful especially when it comes to injury prevention.

You could say the features were more suited for the beginner and the low level intermediate. At the end of the day it’s still a great watch. Anyway a recap of the features that have been kept

  • Running profiles : Running, Treadmill Running. Indoor Track Running may be added through app
  • GPS based distance, time and pace
  • Cadence : Provides real time number of steps per minute
  • Run work outs
  • Foot pod capable.
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As you can see, your typical run of the mill running features. All of which are very useful and at a lower level. I would even go as far to say that these features are bare minimum for a running watch.

The fact that the Forerunner 45 had them was a great addition. It’s just a shame that in order to get more in depth analysis you had to buy the running pod accessory. Nevertheless, it’s still a great watch for beginners, especially for the price.

The 3 New Running Features Are a Great Addition To The Forerunner 55

The 3 new features I think will be very useful. I do think that the latest additions are more geared towards a person who wants to compete in a running event. Is the Garmin Forerunner 55 suitable for beginners? yes, you can use these features to set your own personal records .

But I think it’s more beneficial to those who are looking to race. Without further a due here are the 3 new running features for the Garmin Forerunner 55.

  • New Running Profile : Virtual running
  • Pace pro racing strategies
  • Race predictor.

And there you have it, virtual running profile to build your fitness base, pace pro and race predictor to help plan your work outs to better your performance. A very nice additions to help the beginner to be a more seasoned runner.

I think that with these new features, the Forerunner 55 is a great addition and will be very popular.

One last thing also, these new features are not in fact “new”. They are more like features that are reserved for the higher end running watch’s.

What is Garmin’s Virtual Running Profile and What Are Its Benefits?

If you are familiar with Garmin devices, then you know that they have been a go-to choice for runners and other athletes for years. Virtual Running Profile, allows you to create a custom running experience based on your own individual physiology.

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There are several benefits to using the Virtual Running Profile, including the ability to more accurately track your progress and better gauge the intensity of your workouts. Additionally, the Virtual Running Profile can help you avoid injuries by making sure that you are not pushing yourself too hard.

The Forerunner 55 is the first Garmin device to offer the Virtual Running Profile feature. If you are a beginner runner, or if you are looking for a way to improve your running form, the Virtual Running Profile can be a valuable tool.

What is Garmin’s Pace Pro Racing Strategies and What Are it’s Benefits?

Pace Pro Strategies : A new feature now available on the Garmin Forerunner 55

Garmin’s new Forerunner 55 comes with a feature called “Pace Pro” which is a training strategy that helps runner’s of all levels train more effectively. The main benefit to using this strategy is that it takes the guesswork out of race-day pacing.

By being able to see your average pace, maximum pace, and current pace in real-time, you can make adjustments on the fly to ensure that you hit your goal time.

Another great benefit of using “Pace Pro” is that it will help you avoid going out too fast and blowing up halfway through the race. By having your average pace displayed on the watch, you can make sure that you’re sticking to the game plan and not getting ahead of yourself.

What is Garmin’s Race Predictor Feature and What Are It’s Benefits?

Race predictor : A new feature added to the Garmin Forerunner 55

If you’re a beginner level athlete, the chances are that you’ve never heard of Garmin’s Race Predictor feature. It’s a new feature that has been released with the Forerunner 55 and it’s designed to help beginner runners predict their finish time for upcoming races.

So, How Does it Work?

The Race Predictor feature uses your recent running pace and distance to predict your finish time for a given race distance. For example, if you’ve been running an average of 30 minutes per mile and you enter a race that’s 13. The Forerunner 55 will predict that you’ll finish the race in approximately 39 minutes and 50 seconds.

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Benefits of the Race Predictor feature include:

  • Helps you set realistic race goals
  • Gives you a better idea of how to pace yourself during a race
  • Takes the guesswork out of race day planning

If you’re new to running, or if you’re looking to improve your racing performance, the Race Predictor feature is a valuable tool that can help you achieve your goals.

Final Conclusion

I would have to say, the new features added to the Forerunner 55 are very useful. I mentioned earlier about building a solid foundation and for any beginner athlete out there, it’s an excellent tool. As the little brother to the Forerunner 255 and 955, I think it has a lot of value.

I really do think there was a lot of thought put into the Forerunner 55 running plan. The new running features adds training elements such as training psychology, planning, pace setting to avoid burnout. All new essential tools to build a solid foundation. Not to mention essential tools that will allow for steady progression.

For what it’s worth in terms of price?, I would have to say it’s very reasonable. Especially if you are first starting out your fitness journey and on a budget. There is really good value gained.

If you are considering buying or upgrading to the Garmin Forerunner 55 based on its running features. I hope this article helped you in some way to make your decision much easier.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I hope you enjoyed it.