Fitbit Premium: The Value of the Premium Games and Challenges

Fitbit premium is a subscription service that offers additional features to the standard Fitbit experience. One of these features is the ability to participate in Premium challenges. These challenges are designed to motivate and challenge your friends, like a friendly competition. There are three different types of challenges available: Get Fit Bingo, Custom Challenges, and All for One. In this article, we will look at whether or not the Fitbit premium challenge’s are worth doing.

Fitbit Premium Challenges are to Help Motivate You And Support Your Friends

Yes, the challenges are different from what is offered on the standard Fitbit app. They are more like games that are designed to challenge you and your friends. And, they are only available to premium subscribers. But, even with all of that said, they can still be a lot of fun.

The whole point of these challenges is to keep moving . They are not just about working out or going to the gym. They are also about getting up and moving around more in general. And, they can be a great way to motivate yourself and your friends to do just that.

Fitbit Premium Challenge’s Allows You to Set Your Goals and Targets

Unlike the standard challenges on the Fitbit app, you can actually customize your goals and targets with the premium challenges. This is great if you want to really focus on a particular area or challenge yourself in a specific way.

For example, you can set a goal to walk a certain number of steps every day or to burn a certain number of calories each week. And, you can also invite your friends to join in on the challenge and see who can reach their goals first.

The customization options make the premium challenges a great way to really focus on your fitness goals and make sure that you are staying on track.

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So, if you are looking for a way to motivate yourself or your friends, then the Fitbit premium challenges may be just what you need. They are a great way to set goals, challenge yourself, and stay on track with your fitness journey.

So, go ahead and give them a try! You may be surprised at how much fun they can be.

Get Fit Bingo Is A Interesting Challenge

The first type of challenge is Get Fit Bingo. This challenge is a lot like the standard Fitbit challenges, except that it has an added element of chance. You and your friends will be given a bingo card with different activities on it.

Get Fit Bingo is a great way to challenge yourself and your friends to be more active. It is also a lot of fun, especially if you are competitive. And, it can be a great way to motivate yourself to keep moving.

The great thing about challenges is that it makes you accounted for your movement. And, this challenge is no different. You will need to log your activities in order to complete the bingo card.

This can be a great way to make sure that you are staying on track with your fitness goals and getting the most out of your Fitbit. So, if you are looking for a fun and challenging way to be more active, then Get Fit Bingo may be just what you need.

If you have a small window of time for your self, you probably wont be able to enjoy the bingo game. Best you use the time you have wisely and do some other activity.

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Custom Challenge Allows You To Set Your Goals

The second type of challenge is the Custom Challenge. This challenge allows you to set your own goals and targets. You can invite your friends to join in on the challenge and see who can reach their goals first.

This is a great way to really focus on your fitness goals and make sure that you are staying on track. And, it can be a great way to motivate yourself or your friends to keep moving.

You get to choose from 3 different goals, activity minutes, distance or steps.

After you have chosen your goal, you can invite your friends to join in on the challenge. Once they have accepted, you will be able to see their progress and who is in the lead.

All for One Challenge Is a Great Feature For Everyone to Achieve The Same Goal

The last type of challenge is the All for One Challenge. This challenge is a great way for everyone to achieve the same goal. You can invite your friends to join in on the challenge and see who can reach their goals first.

This is a great way to really focus on your fitness goals and make sure that you are staying on track . And, it can be a great way to motivate yourself or your friends to keep moving.

You get to choose from a variety of different goals, such as activity minutes, distance or steps. And, you can also choose how long you want the challenge to last.

Once you have chosen your goal and timeframe, you can invite your friends to join in on the challenge. Once they have accepted, you will be able to see their progress and who is in the lead.

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Can you Be Involved In More Than 1 Challenge

If you have been invited to multiple challenges you can be involved in 2 at the same time. This is a great feature because you can be constantly challenged and never get bored.

However, if you are struggling to complete one challenge you may want to focus on that one first.

Be Honest When Your Are Participating In A Challenge.

Don’t cheat when you are doing these challenges. When you cheat on a challenge, you are also cheating on yourself. You know what they say, if you dont follow the process then dont complain about the results.

The whole idea behind these challenges is to be active, have fun and enjoy the process. Create a positive vibe that will make you look forward to the challenge.

It’s not about winning or losing, it’s about taking part and enjoying the journey.

Final Conclusion

The final conclusion is that the Fitbit Premium games and challenges are definitely worth doing! They are a great way to motivate yourself and your friends, and they provide some great benefits that you can’t get with the standard Fitbit challenges.

You dont need to do extreme exercises to stay healthy, all you need to do is move. And with the help of a Fitbit, you can challenge yourself to do just that!

No matter your fitness level, just focus on moving. Walking, dancing, hiking or taking the stairs instead of the elevator are all great ways to get your body moving. And with a little friendly competition from your friends, you might just find yourself getting a bit more fit than you thought possible!