Fitbit Charge 5 : How Much Battery Life Does It Offer?

The Fitbit Charge 5 is the latest fitness tracker from the popular wearable company, and it offers some great features for people who are looking to get fit. One of the most important things for people when it comes to fitness trackers is how long the battery lasts, and thankfully, the Charge 5 offers a good amount of battery life. In this article, we will discuss how much battery life you can expect from the Charge 5, as well as some of its other features.

What Features Can Drain Battery Life Of The Fitbit Charge 5?

The first thing to consider when it comes to how much battery life your Fitbit Charge will have is what features you’re using. All the activities and tracking that your Fitbit does takes up power, so if you’re constantly checking your stats and keeping an eye on things, you’ll notice that your battery drains a bit faster.

There are some features that use more power than others, though, so if you’re trying to conserve battery life, here are a few to keep in mind:

  • The Always-On Display feature : This is a new addition to the Fitbit Charge 5, and it’s a great feature if you want to be able to see your stats at a glance without having to press a button or tap the screen. However, it does use more battery power than if you had the display turned off.
  • The heart rate monitor : The main feature that tracks all of the health metrics that you find important. This is a great feature for tracking your fitness and making sure you’re staying within your target heart rate zone. Or check your sleeping patterns.
  • GPS tracking : The Charge line also has the option to connect to your phone’s GPS, which can be great for tracking runs or walks. However, this will also use up more battery life than if you didn’t have it turned on.
  • Sleep Tracking : The Fitbit Charge line can also track your sleep, which is a great way to see how well you’re really sleeping and get some insights into your sleep patterns. However, this does use up more battery life than if you didn’t have it turned on.
  • Notifications : If you have your Fitbit Charge set to notify you of incoming calls, texts, or other notifications from your phone, this will also use up more battery life.
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So, those are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to how much battery life your Fitbit Charge will have. If you’re using all of the features that use the most power, you can expect to get about five days of battery life.

However, if you’re only using a few of the features or if you’re not using them all the time, you could get up to seven days of battery life.

My Typical Usage of The Fitbit Charge 5 And It’s Battery Life

I typically get 5-6 day’s of battery life with my Fitbit Charge 5. In my opinion this is fantastic, as I only need to remember to charge it once a week. I also love that I can see my battery level at any time, so if I’m going on a long run, I know to bring my charger just in case.

Here are my typical usage’s

  • Sleep tracking : I use the sleep tracker every day to monitor my sleep. Sleep health is very important to me and the Fitbit Charge 5 is one of the best sleep tracking watch’s in the market. So continuous heart rate tracking through the night will consume a fair bit of battery life
  • Activity Time is 300 minutes per week : Im fairly active and I like to get at least one hour 5 times a week in the gym. I use the work out profiles, Weights, elliptical, interval workout to track my heart rate.
  • GPS Tracking : On the weekends, I like to do hiking. I would use the Hiking workout profile to track my heart rate. Once the hiking profile is activated, the GPS connection begins. Our Local track is about 30 minutes each way, so there’s 60 minutes of heart rate tracking and GPS tracking.
  • EDA Scanning : I would use this feature during the working week. I like to monitor my stress levels through out the day. Especially when I feel it the most, such as before an important meeting. From Monday to Friday, I would use this feature 2-3 times.
  • ECG Scanning : One of the reasons why I purchase the Fitbit Charge 5 is the ECG scan feature. I do have some concerns about my heart health so it’s good to have this feature as a peace of mind. I would use this feature when I feel my heart rate is high or I’m feeling anxious.
  • AOD (Always on Display) : I have this feature on, and I would say on average at least 200-250 screen activations a day. I do like to check my heart rate after my workouts. Just so I can check how well my body has recovered from a workout. I also like to check my heart rate when I am feeling stressed. My heart rate spikes very high, and when this happens I would take a few deep breaths to help lower my heart rate.
  • Timer : I do use this feature during light workout day’s. I would do a 20-30 minutes HIIT session at home. So having the timer on my wrist is very convenient.
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So this is my typical usage of the Fitbit Charge 5. As you can see there is a lot of activity being tracked. In all honesty, I think it’s great. Im sure there are many people who would read this can get a feel of how much battery life you can get. I hope this has been helpful.

Final Conclusion

So does the Fitbit Charge live up to the battery life hype?

Yes, I believe it does. If you are looking for a fitness tracker with great battery life, then this is definitely the one for you. I have had mine for over six months now and I am still getting around five days of use from a single charge.

There are of course a few things that will affect your battery life, such as how often you use the GPS or whether you have any notifications turned on. But overall, I think the Fitbit Charge offers great value for money and is definitely worth considering if you are in the market for a new fitness tracker.

Just remember that the features that tend to use up most of the battery life are

  • Heart rate monitoring : during workouts and sleep tracking
  • GPS tracking
  • stress tracking
  • AOD (Always on display)
  • Notifications
  • Alarms

If you can manage these features you should be able to get great battery life from your Fitbit Charge 5. My health ambitions were to maintain my health, monitor my heart health and stress levels. The Fitbit Charge has helped me to do this and I am really happy with my purchase.

I hope my typical usage give’s you an idea of the Fitbit Charge 5’s battery life.

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Thank you for reading, I hope you found this article useful.