Apple Watch Series 7 : Thicker Screen, Robust and Better Durability

The new Apple Watch Series 7 has been announced, and it features some major changes. The most noticeable difference is the thicker screen- now 50% thicker than the models before it. This was done in order to make the watch more durable, as it is less likely to crack or shatter. Additionally, all models of the Series 7 (aluminum, stainless steel, and titanium) will come with sapphire crystal glass instead of Ion-X glass. Sapphire crystal glass is a harder material than Ion-X glass, making it more resistant to scratches.

The new Apple Watch is thicker and More Durable than Past Models

The new Apple Watch Series features a stronger, redesigned front crystal component. It is 50 percent thicker than previous models and more resistant to cracking. The aluminum Apple Watch models feature Ion-X glass to protect the display. The stainless steel and titanium models use sapphire crystal glass. Sapphire crystal glass offers better scratch resistance than Ion-X glass because it is a harder material. This makes the models with sapphire crystal more resistant to scratches.

The new Watch also features a redesigned case that is thicker and more durable than past models. The case is made from a stronger aluminum alloy that is more resistant to cracks and dents. The stainless steel and titanium models are also made from stronger materials that are more resistant to scratches and corrosion.

The new Watch is also available in a new black ceramic case. This material is even more scratch resistant than sapphire crystal and is also extremely durable.

Overall, the new Apple Watch Series is a great upgrade from past models. It features a stronger design, improved durability, and is available in a new black ceramic case.

Do You need to buy a screen protector with Aluminium Apple Watch 7

I have seen the Aluminium apple watch series 7 undergo a scientific test known as the abrasion test. It is the official test method to measure scratch resistance, and find out how hard the materials is upon the Moh’s scale.

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The Ion-X glass performed poorly and measured a 2 on the Moh’s. That is so weak if you have very long finger nails and dig in deep into your screen, will leave a very deep scratch on the watch.

Back to the question, do you need a screen protector? well here is the facts. Buying a screen protector will make no difference. You will end up burning a hole in your pocket buying replacement screens, after replacement screens and it will become a hassle because when you run out of screen protectors, you will end up wearing your watch exposed.

Also a screen protector has about the same scratch resistance as Ion-X Glass, so you can see why I think screen protectors can be a waste of time.

Buying a Screen Protector is Optional if you buy the Titanium or Stainless Steel Version

These versions of the Apple Watch Series 7 uses sapphire crystal. I have seen this version of the Apple watch under go an abrasion test and it performed outstanding.

After the test, the crystal sapphire screen registered a 9 on the Moh’s scale. The highest number you can register is a 10 so crystal sapphire is close to being as hard as diamond. With a 50% increase in screen width, there is no chance the will crack but can be scratched over time.

The only downside to getting this version of apple watch is that it will cost you (and it will depend where you are in the world) around 40 percent extra.

So overall, I would say that buying a screen protector is optional if you buy the titanium or stainless steel version because the sapphire crystal is extremely hard and resistant to scratches. It is also more expensive than the aluminium version.

The Aluminium Case is more cost effective, than the Titanium Case

To sum it up in simple terms aluminium is very light and have half the strength of steel, whereas with titanium it’s about as strong as steel but weighs roughly half of steel.

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The benefits of having a titanium case is that it will not corrode or tarnish over time. Titanium is also non-allergenic, so if you have skin sensitivities, this might be the best option for you.

However, one downside to having a titanium case is that it can scratch easily. And if you do scratch it, the scratch will be permanent.

Another downside to having a titanium case is that it is more expensive than an aluminium case. So if you are looking for a cost effective option, then aluminium is the way to go.

Overall, I would say that the benefits of having a titanium case outweigh the downsides. But if you are looking for a cost effective option, then aluminium is the way to go.

Will a tempered glass case be a better option for your Aluminium Apple Watch 7

For one thing it is cheap, and all tempered glass cases on the market are fairly decent. It has a precise cut out dedicated to the Apple Watch series 7, and the tempered glass has a rating of 9H.

But here is the problem, the precise cut out is not very reliable and robust enough to handle any intense activity. The case can come off once you bump your watch on the surface exposing your watch to any damage. As for the rating 9H, tempered glass is around 6 on the Moh’s harness scale so it can protect your screen, that’s if the screen can stay on.

Will a Rugged Armour Case be a better option for your Aluminium Apple Watch 7

Very similar to a tempered glass case, however the enclosed case does what it say’s. You simply place your watch inside a case and close it. The look can be a little bulky, however it can interact with you as you scroll through your settings if need be.

All fully enclosed cases are precisely cut to suit your Apple Watch 7, and protect your watch from all the elements, It also has like an air guard on each corner of your watch face to protect it from any shock waves.

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It can be a option but can be prone to falling apart, or not securing your watch. Be very careful if you are looking to buy a case.

Will Smart skin be better option for a Aluminium Watch Series 7

Smart skin is basically just like a screen protector. Only difference is in the technology that is built into the transparent film. All of the best smart skins in the market generally have the same type of options available.

  • self healing technology : the screen can heal it’s self when scratches are applied to the surface.
  • Touch sensitive : The skin will not interfere when you look to scroll through your watch. You could say that the greater the touch sensitivity the greater your experience will be when interacting with your watch.

Will a smart skin be a good options? No. The smart skin will heal, however the Ion-X glass may not. Such a bummer really.


The Apple Watch Series 7, new features is an absolute delight, with a bigger screen and nice colours. As for the screen material used, there is clearly a gap between the aluminium version and the titanium or stainless steel version.

To me it is better to buy the titanium or stainless steel version. The aluminium version is just not reliable enough. With a Moh’s hardness of 2, to me its not robust enough to do any intense activities. Let alone walking the dog, you may end up scratching your watch. If you are out on the beach, sand has a Moh’s hardness of 5 or 6 so your watch will definitely be damaged.

As you now see the aluminium version isn’t robust enough to day to day life activities. A real shame for a beautiful watch, However go ahead with the titanium or stainless steel version to avoid any head problems that may occur when repairing your screen.