Apple Watch Series 7 : The Always-On Retina Display is Amazing

The new Apple Watch Series 7 has an always-on retina display that is amazing. With nearly 20% more screen area than the Series 6, it makes everything easier to see and use. The nearly 40% thinner borders are also a big improvement, and the 50% more screen area than the Series 3 is really impressive. While I definitely recommend turning the ‘always-on’ display off, as having the watch face constantly displaying can drain your battery in just a few hours, it’s great to have the option available.

The Always-On Retina Display is the most impressive feature of the Series 7

The new Always-On Retina display is the most impressive feature of the Series 7. It’s not just that it’s 20 percent larger than the one on the Series 6; it’s also that the borders around it have been reduced by nearly 40 percent. This gives you a lot more screen real estate to work with, and makes everything easier to see and use.

One of the best things about the Always-On Retina display is that it’s 50 percent more power efficient than the one on the Series 3. This means that you can have it turned on all day without having to worry about your battery life taking a hit. However, if you do want to conserve power, you can always turn the ‘always-on’ display off.

What is Always on Retina Display?

The Always-On Retina display is the biggest new feature on the Apple Watch Series . It’s a low-power version of the OLED display that’s always on, so you can see the time and your watch face without having to raise your wrist or tap the screen. The display is also brighter than before, so it’s easier to see in direct sunlight.

What’s the point of Always On Retina Display?

The Always-On Retina display is, quite simply, a game changer. It makes the Apple Watch much more useful as a quick glance device, and it looks really cool too. Here’s what you need to know about it.

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Before we get into the nitty gritty, let’s answer the question on everyone’s mind: why would you want an always-on display on your watch?

The main reason is convenience. With the Always-On Retina display, you can always see the time and your watch face without having to raise your wrist or tap the screen. This is a huge deal because it makes the Apple Watch much more useful as a quick glance device.

And, let’s be honest, it also looks really cool. The Always-On Retina display is bright and beautiful, and it really makes the Apple Watch stand out from other smartwatches on the market.

So how does the always on retina feature work?

The Always-On Retina display uses a low-power LTPO display. LTPO, or low-temperature polycrystalline oxide, is a type of low-power OLED display. This means that the pixels in the Always-On Retina display can be individually controlled, so only the pixels that need to be lit up are lit up. This saves a lot of power, which is why the Always-On Retina display doesn’t use much battery power.

The other thing that makes the Always-On Retina display so power efficient is that it’s always on a lower brightness setting than when you raise your wrist to wake up the watch face. This means that even though the pixels are always lit, they’re not using as much power as they would be if they were at full brightness.

So, how does this all work in practice? Well, it’s actually pretty amazing. The Always-On Retina display is always on, but it’s not always bright. It’s only when you raise your wrist or tap the screen that the watch face brightens up to full brightness. This means that you can always see the time and your notifications, but your battery life isn’t impacted as much as it would be if the watch face was always at full brightness.

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Of course, there are some downsides to the Always-On Retina display. The first is that it’s not always necessary. If you’re not worried about always being able to see the time, then you can just turn the feature off and save some battery life. The second downside is that the Always-On Retina display can be a bit of a battery hog if you use it a lot. If you’re someone who likes to have their watch face always on and at full brightness, you might find that the battery life takes a hit.

Overall, the Always-On Retina display is a great addition to the Apple Watch Series 7. It’s always on, so you can always see the time and your notifications. It’s power efficient, so it doesn’t impact your battery life too much. And it’s just really cool to have a watch face that’s always on. If you’re looking for a new Apple Watch, the Series 7 is definitely worth considering. Just be aware of the downsides before you make your decision.

Can you turn off Always on Retina display on the Apple Watch Series

Yes, you can turn off the always-on retina display on the apple watch series by going into your settings and selecting the option to do so. This will help conserve your battery life. If you find that you’re running low on battery and need to save some power, this is a great tip to keep in mind.

To turn off the always-on retina display, open the Settings app on your Apple Watch. Scroll down and tap Battery. Under the Battery Saver section, toggle the switch next to Always On to the Off position.

It’s best to turn the Always on Retina display.

Don’t get me wrong it’s a nice convenient feature, however the feature to benefits really sway towards the negative side. The battery life isn’t the greatest, and you will need to carry your cable around with you every day. To me, this can be a bit of a hassle . I’d rather just tap the screen to wake it up, even though the battery charge is 30% quicker.

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The other thing is, the display is always on, which means that people can see your notifications even when your wrist is down. This might not be a big deal for some people, but for me, I like to keep my business to myself. The last thing I want is for people to see my notifications and start asking me about it.

All in all, the Always-on Retina display is a nice feature, but it’s not something that I would use on a daily basis. If you’re someone who doesn’t mind people seeing your notifications, then by all means, go ahead and use it. But if you’re like me and you value your privacy, then you might want to consider turning it off.


The Apple Smart watch series 7 is a impressive watch, and the always on retina display is an impressive feature for the purpose of convenience.

I personally would leave the feature off, but Im sure this feature will come in handy at some stage, so you could say I’m still trying to figure that part out. Not to mention reserving battery life.

I really love apple technology, and I own many devices. The inconvenience to carry so many different cables for each different device is a dam hassle. With Samsung devices I tend to just bring one cord and it can charge my devices.

All in all still a fantastic watch. It is one of the leading brands in the smart watch market today. Just be mindful of the features power usage even though it can conserve energy use, the battery capacity is a let down.