Apple Watch Mirroring: The New Feature for People with Disabilities
Apple has announced a new feature for the Apple Watch, called Apple Watch Mirroring. This new feature will make the Apple Watch more accessible than ever for people with physical and motor disabilities. With Apple Watch Mirroring, users will be able to control their Apple Watch remotely from their paired iPhone. This will allow users to use inputs including voice commands, sound actions, head tracking, or external Made for iPhone switches as alternatives to tapping the Apple Watch display.
Apple Continues it’s Commitment To Innovation to Support With Disabilities.
A lot of work has been put in to the latest new features. With that said some very smart break through software changes have made it possible to do things that were never before possible. One of these is the new Apple Watch Mirroring feature.
Their primary goal is to make the Apple Watch accessible to everyone, regardless of ability. Anyone who relies upon the assistive touch, can feel a little more at ease with Apple’s New Innovation.
What is mirroring and how does it work with the Apple Watch?
Mirroring is the ability to control your Apple Watch remotely from your paired iPhone. With this feature, you can use inputs including voice commands, sound actions, head tracking, or external Made for iPhone switches as alternatives to tapping the Apple Watch display. This will be a game changer for people with disabilities who have trouble using traditional input methods.
To set up Apple Watch Mirroring, you will need to open the Settings app on your iPhone and navigate to General > Accessibility > AssistiveTouch > Devices. From there, you will be able to select your Apple Watch as an input device. Once selected, you will be able to use all of the assistive features of your iPhone to control your Apple Watch.
How Can Mirroring Help People With Disabilities Live More Independently?
The beauty of this technology is that it gives people with disabilities more independence. For example, someone who is blind or has low vision can use Voiceover to read the contents of their Apple Watch display.
Or someone who has difficulty using their hands can use Switch Control to navigate and interact with Apple Watch apps. This is just the beginning for what Mirroring can do to help people with disabilities live more independently.
Apple Watch Mirroring is a powerful new feature that will make the Apple Watch more accessible than ever for people with physical and motor disabilities. With this feature, users will be able to control their Apple Watch remotely from their paired iPhone.
This will allow users to use inputs including voice commands, sound actions, head tracking, or external Made for iPhone switches as alternatives to tapping the Apple Watch display.
Apple Watch Mirroring is just one example of how Apple is committed to making its products more accessible for everyone
What Is AssistiveTouch and How Does this Help People With Disabilities?
AssistiveTouch is an accessibility feature that can help people with motor disabilities get the most out of their iPhone. With AssistiveTouch, you can use alternative input methods to perform common tasks on your iPhone, such as opening the App Switcher or Control Center.
You can also create custom gestures to perform any action that you want.
The beauty with custom gestures is that it can be helpful for persons with limb differences or paralysis. For example, you can create a custom gesture that opens the App Switcher with a triple-click of the Home Button.
This is just one way that AssistiveTouch can help people with disabilities live more independently.
Further Advancements to The Quick Action Hand Feature
Another handy innovation by Apples the the advancement of the Quick action feature. Apple have used the AssistiveTouch can customised this software to suit persons with body limb difference’s. Very clever thinking by the team at Apple. They have studied the way persons with limb difference’s motion.
Apple have came up with a solution that will access the Apple Watch experience. They can interact with the Apple watch by double pinching or a slight clench.
The quick hand feature has been further simplified. Making the persons experience with the apple watch more user friendly. This will defiantly be a life changer for persons with limb difference’s or paralysis. It is great to see such advancements in technology.
The Apple Watch Mirroring Feature is Only Available on Certain Watch’s
On the press release, Apple have stated that this feature will be available to Apple Watch 6 user’s or later. Considering that the Apple Watch is due to be released later this year, one can wonder what the next generation Apple Watch can hold. This gives us a slight indication that the next generation Watch will be even more advance.
Also on the press release report there was no date given when will this new feature will be released. All was disclosed was the feature will be released this year.
Apple’s Commitment To Include Holistic Health to Disabled Person’s
With the last 2 updates within the last 3-4 months Apple have released some really great features in Holistic health for persons with disabilities. Not long ago the mindfulness feature was introduced, time to walk feature was also included. Both great features that I use regularly. With the changes to the AssistiveTouch software our disabled person’s can be included and enjoy the experience.
We can see that Apple is committed to making their products more accessible for everyone. This is a great step forward in the right direction. We are looking forward to seeing what else Apple has in store for us.
What Are Some of the Challenges that come with using mirroring on the Apple Watch for people with disabilities?
One of the challenges that come with using mirroring on the Apple Watch for people with disabilities is that it can be difficult to keep track of what’s happening on the Apple Watch display.
This is because users are relying on inputs from their iPhone, which can be distracting.
Another challenge is that users need to have a good understanding of how to use Voice Control or Switch Control in order to control the Apple Watch.
Lastly, it is important to note that mirroring is only available on certain Apple Watch models, which could be a challenge for people with older models of the watch.
Final Conclusion
Overall, the Apple Watch Mirroring feature is a great addition for people with disabilities. It offers an accessible and user-friendly way to control the Apple Watch, and it opens up new possibilities for how people with disabilities can use their Apple Watch.
However, there are some challenges that come with using this feature, such as keeping track of what’s happening on the Apple Watch display and having a good understanding of how to use Voice Control or Switch Control.
Nevertheless, this is a great step forward for accessibility and we are looking forward to seeing what else Apple has in store for us. Thank you for reading!