Apple Watch Gets A New Feature To Support Accessibility Awareness

This week in Apple Fitness+, trainer Bakari Williams uses ASL to highlight the features available to users that are part of an ongoing effort to make fitness accessible to all.

For example, Audio Hints provide short descriptive verbal cues to support users who are blind or low vision, and Time to Walk, Time to Run episodes have been updated so that wheelchair users can participate along with everyone else.

Fitness+ trainers incorporate ASL into every workout and meditation, all videos include closed captioning in six languages, and trainers demonstrate modifications in each workout.

This New Feature is to Support Global Accessibility Awareness Day.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day is an annual event that falls on the third Thursday of May and is dedicated to raising awareness about digital accessibility and inclusive design. This year, Apple Fitness+ is highlighting some of the ways that the service is accessible to everyone, regardless of ability.

Bakari Williams, who is deaf, uses ASL in his workouts to make them accessible to everyone.

“I want people who are watching the workouts to know that they can do it, no matter what their level of fitness is or what their ability is,” he said.

The use of ASL in Fitness+ workouts is just one way that Apple is making the service more inclusive. All videos include closed captioning in six languages, and trainers demonstrate modifications in each workout.

By designating one day to bring attention to accessibility, Apple hopes to encourage people of all abilities to live active and healthy lives.

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What is ASL Actually?

ASL is an abbreviation for American Sign Language. It is a complete, natural language that has the same linguistic properties as spoken languages, with grammar that differs from English.

ASL is expressed by movements of the hands and face. It is the primary language of many Deaf North Americans, and one of several communication options available to people who are Deaf or hard of hearing.

ASL is a visual-gestural language, which means it is produced by visible hand shapes, orientation, and movement in relation to the body, head, mouth, and eyes. It uses space and perspective to show relationships between people and things.

ASL has its own grammar system independent of English; however, it borrows from English words when necessary.

Descriptive Audio Cues Now Added To Support Users That Are Blind.

Apple fitness+ is committed to providing an inclusive experience for all of its users, which is why they’ve added descriptive audio cues to support users that are blind or have low vision.

These new features will allow everyone to participate in and enjoy the workouts, regardless of ability.

This feature allows the trainer to give verbal cues that describe the movements being performed, so that users can follow along and stay on track. This addition will make fitness more accessible to all and help everyone achieve their fitness goals.

Apple is continuously working to make its products and services more inclusive for all users, and this new feature is just one example of that commitment. By making Fitness+ more accessible, Apple is helping to create a more inclusive world for all.

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Workout Features Added For Wheel Chair Users

Apple fitness+ have 2 features into the app. Those features are Time to Walk or Push, Time To Run or Push. Both specifically designed go help motivate wheelchair users to get active.

The first feature, Time to Walk or Push, is a guided walk that offers encouragement and motivation to keep moving. The second feature, Time To Run or Push, is a higher intensity workout that is designed to get your heart pumping.

Both of these features are available in the app so that wheelchair users can participate in the workouts at their own pace and level of intensity. By adding these features, Apple is making Fitness+ more inclusive for all users.

ASL users can now use the app to track their workouts and progress

Apple fitness+ is committed to providing an inclusive experience for all of its users, which is why they’ve added support for ASL users. With this new feature, ASL users can now use the app to track their workouts and progress.

This addition will make fitness more accessible to all and help everyone achieve their fitness goals.

Apple to Continue Their Support For Persons With Disabilities

Apples innovation to include people with disabilities does not stop at the development of their products. Apple is also working to support organizations that serve the disability community.

There’s been many software upgrades AssistiveTouch , Switch Control, VoiceOver, Zoom, and more. With each new software update, Apple is making it easier for people with disabilities to use their products.

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Final Conclusion

Apple fitness+ is making it easier for people with disabilities to stay active and healthy. With new inclusive features, such as audio cues and support for ASL users, Apple is helping to create a more inclusive world for all.

By adding these new features, Apple is making Fitness+ more accessible to all users and helping to create a healthier world for everyone.

Holistic health should be accessible to anyone regardless of your ability. So kudos to Apple for their efforts in making Fitness+ more inclusive! We can all reap the benefits of a healthier world.

The time to walk or run feature is my favourite update because it offers encouragement and motivation to keep moving.