Polar Pacer : Training Load Pro – What is it and What are the Benefits?

Polar has just released their latest fitness tracker, the Polar Pacer. This watch is part of a new series called the Pacer Series, which is dedicated to runners. The Polar Pacer comes with two different options: the standard model and the pro model. The pro model offers more features, In this article, we will discuss what training load pro is and what benefits it offers runners. Stay tuned for our upcoming article on the Polar pacer Pro!

Why Did Polar Create The Pacer Series

Over the year’s Polar have released some impressive watch’s. They have released watch’s that are dedicated to multisport such as the Polar Vantage series. They have also released watch’s for those who want more of a smartwatch feel such as the Polar Ignite.

However, they have never really had a dedicated running watch… until now. The Pacer series was created for runners, by runners. It is packed with features that any runner, novice or pro, will find useful.

What is Training Load Pro?

If you’re a runner, then you know that one of the most important things to track is your training load. Training load is simply a measure of how much stress you’re putting on your body when you run. It’s important to monitor your training load so that you don’t overdo it and risk injury.

Polar’s new Pacer series of watches includes a feature called Training Load Pro. This is a tool that allows you to more accurately monitor your training load. It takes into account things like heart rate, pace, and distance to give you a more complete picture of your training.

So why is this important? Well, if you’re not tracking your training load, you could be putting yourself at risk of overtraining. This can lead to injuries, fatigue, and even burnout. By using Training Load Pro, you can make sure that you’re not doing too much or too little.

There are a few different ways to use Training Load Pro. You can use it to track your overall training load for a specific period of time, or you can use it to track your training load for individual runs.

How Does Training Load Pro Work?

The new Training Load Pro feature helps you understand how your training affects your body. This feature measures how hard each training session strains your body. You can use this information to figure out how to train so you can improve your performance.

There are 5 different types of load that are measured:

  • Cardio Load
  • Perceived Load
  • Muscular Load. (third party accessories)
  • Training load from a single session
  • Strain and tolerance
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By understanding how strained each body system is, you can make sure that you’re working the right system at the right time.

What is Cardio Load And Why is it Important for Training Load?

Polar’s new cardio load feature is a great addition for anyone looking to improve their cardiovascular health. This feature allows you to see how your body is responding to different types of training, so you can make adjustments as needed. It also provides valuable feedback on things like heart rate, speed, and calories burned.

There are three main benefits of the cardio load feature:

  • First, it can help you to better understand how your body responds to different types of training. This is valuable information that can help you make adjustments to your training as needed.
  • Second, the feedback you receive from the cardio load feature can help you to identify areas where you may need to focus more attention. For example, if you see that your heart rate is consistently higher than normal during a particular type of training, you may want to adjust your intensity or duration.
  • Third, the cardio load feature can help you to better monitor your progress over time. This is especially helpful if you are working towards a specific goal, such as improving your cardiovascular health or losing weight.

What is Perceived Load And Why is it Important For Training Load?

Perceived Load is a great way to help you train smarter. By tracking your perceived load, or how hard you feel you’ve worked out, you can better monitor your overall training volume. This is especially important for runners, who are at risk of overtraining if they don’t pay attention to their training volume.

Perceived load is different from heart rate or pace, which are more objective measures of how hard you’re working. Perceived load is entirely subjective – only you can know how hard you feel like you’ve worked out. This makes it a valuable metric to track, because it can help you prevent overtraining before it happens.

Perceived load is what you call  Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and is measured on a scale of 0-20, with 20 being the hardest. To get an accurate measure of your perceived load, it’s important to track it both during and after your workout.

Use the Polar Flow App to track your perceived load.

The benefits of tracking your perceived load are:

  • You can better monitor your overall training volume to prevent overtraining.
  • You can identify which workouts are the most challenging for you, so you can focus on those during your next training cycle.
  • You can use perceived load to help you adjust your workout intensity as needed.
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What is Muscular Load And Why Is It Important to Training Load

Muscle Load tells you how much your muscles were strained during your training session. This information helps you understand how hard you worked during high-intensity training sessions, such as short intervals, sprints and hill sessions, when your heart rate doesn’t have enough time to react to the changes in the intensity.

The muscle load is a measure of the amount of energy you produce while running. This reflects how much energy you output, not how much energy it took to produce that effort. In general, people who are in better shape are more efficient with their energy input and output.

The muscle load is calculated based on power and duration. For running, your weight also matters. A heavier person will have a higher muscle load than a lighter person, even if they’re running at the same pace.

The benefits of having this information is that you can see how your muscles are adapting to training and recover appropriately. If you see that your muscle load is consistently high, you might need to back off on the intensity or volume of your training. On the other hand, if you see that your muscle load is consistently low, you might need to increase the intensity or volume of your training.

What is Training Load in A Single Session And Why Is It Important For Training load?

Your Training Load from a single session is shown on your watch, in the Flow app and on the Flow web service.

You’ll get a number that tells you how much training stress your body felt from each measured load. The higher the load, the more strain it put on your body. You can also see a visual representation of how hard your training load was from the session compared to your average training load for the last 90 days.

This is important for a few reasons:

  • You can use your training load to find the perfect balance in your training. Too much and you risk injury, too little and you won’t make any progress.
  • Your Training Load also affects how quickly you recover from each session. If you’re not giving your body enough time to recover, you’ll quickly become fatigued and your performance will suffer.
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What is Strain and Tolerance And What Are it’s Benefit’s?

The Training Load Pro feature measures how much strain you are putting on your body in the short term and how much tolerance your body has for this type of strain in the long term.

  • Strain is a measure of how hard you have worked out recently. It shows how much work you did on average each day over the past week.
  • Tolerance means how much you can handle doing cardio. You can see how much you did in the last 28 days. To make your tolerance better, you need to do a little more each day for a longer time.

The benefit of this feature is that it can help you see how much you should work out. If you are working out a lot, but not seeing any results, then you may need to increase your tolerance. On the other hand, if you are working out too little, then you may need to increase your strain.

Is The Training Load Pro Feature Useful To Beginner’s?

The short answer is yes! The training load pro feature is a great addition to the Polar Pacer watch. The main benefit of this feature is that it helps you to monitor your training progress and see how your body is responding to different types of workouts.

This can be especially useful for beginner runners who are just starting to get a feel for their training schedule and how their body reacts to different levels of intensity. By monitoring your training load, you can make sure that you’re not doing too much or too little in order to avoid injury and maximize your results.

Final Conclusion

Training load pro is part of the smarter training features that are on offer to it’s user’s. Not to mention that this feature is a premium feature and is normally reserved for it’s flag ship watch’s such as the Polar vantage series. The way Polar have presented this watch is to allow the user to enjoy running. It can be a hard ting to do especially if you are a beginner.

The training load pro feature is a great addition to the watch and will benefit those who are looking to get into running, or even those who are already runners. It’s a shame that this isn’t a standard feature on all of Polar’s watches as it really is a great tool.

Thank you so much for reading, hopefully I have made the feature understandable for a non techy person.