Garmin Vivosmart 5 : 10 Useful Bluetooth Features Built In

Garmin is a company that is known for its fitness trackers. The Vivosmart 5 was released in April 2022 and has generated a lot of interest. This fitness tracker is different than other Garmin trackers because it focuses on quality of life. There are 10 different Bluetooth features that are connected to the Vivosmart 5, and each one of them can improve your quality of life in some way. In this article, we will explain each Bluetooth feature and how it can benefit you!

10 Bluetooth Features, 3 New Bluetooth Features Added From It’s Predecessor

Comparing to it’s predecessor the Vivosmart 4, there are 3 additional Bluetooth features added. But who is to say that you need any more?, I would have to say that the list of 10 Bluetooth features that are available in the next generation watch is still relevant in today’s market.

The great thing about Bluetooth features is that it can really make life a little more convenient. Here is the list of Bluetooth features that are available to the Vivosmart 5.

  • Activity uploads
  • Assistance (New)
  • Find my watch
  • Find my phone
  • Incident Detection (New)
  • LiveTrack (New)
  • Music controls
  • Notifications
  • Software updates
  • Weather updates

And there you have it, the 10 Bluetooth connected features. With the exception of the new Bluetooth features Assistance, Incident detection and LiveTrack. All 3 features are part of the safety tracking features that have been added into the Vivosmart series for the first time.

As I mentioned before, the Vivosmart series has always been marketed as a fitness tracker that focuses on quality of life. And with the addition of these new safety tracking features, it definitely helps to improve the quality of life for those who are more active.

1. What is Activity Uploads and What Are it’s Benefits?

Activity Uploads is a feature that allows you to automatically upload your activity data to the Garmin Connect app.

The main benefit of this is that it saves you time. You no longer have to manually transfer your data from your tracker to the app.

Another benefit is that it means your data is always backed up. If you ever lose your tracker or it gets damaged, you can still access your data.

Finally, it means that you can view your data on multiple devices. For example, you could start tracking an activity on your phone and then finish it on your tablet.

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2. What is Assistance And What Are its Benefits?

Assistance is part of the safety tracking features.  Allows you to send an automated text message with your name and GPS location to your emergency contacts using the Garmin Connect app.

There are a few benefits of the assistance feature. One is that it can help you if you’re ever in an emergency situation and need to let your contacts know where you are. Another benefit is that it can give peace of mind to your loved ones, knowing that they can track your location if need be.

Please be mindful that you dont rely upon the Vivosmart 5 for an emergency response. It is not a replacement for emergency services.

3. What is Find My Watch And What Are It’s Benefit’s?

Find my watch locates your lost Vivosmart 5 watch that is paired with your phone and currently within range. If your watch is lost outside of the 100 foot Bluetooth range, you can view the last known GPS location of your watch on a map within the Garmin Connect app. To use Find my Watch, simply log into the Garmin Connect app and go to the Vivosmart settings page. From there, select Find My Watch and follow the on-screen instructions.

Some benefits of Find my Watch are that you can see the last known GPS location of your watch and you can also set up a notification to alert you when your watch enters or leaves a certain area. This is especially useful if you’re worried about losing your watch while traveling.

4. What is Find My Phone And What Are It’s Benefit’s?

This feature works the way as it tracks your watch. Find my phone locates your lost phone that is paired with your Vivosmart 5 watch and currently within range. In order to use this feature, go into the find my phone menu and select start.

The Vivosmart 5 will then emit a loud noise from your phone even if it’s on silent mode. If you have your phone but can’t seem to remember where you put it, no problem! This feature is not only great for finding your lost phone.

5. What is Incident Detection And What Are it’s Benefit’s?

Incident detection allows the Garmin Connect app to send a message to your emergency contacts when the Vivosmart 5 watch detects an incident, such as a fall.

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The main benefit of incident detection is that it can provide peace of mind to you and your loved ones. If you’re out on a run by yourself and you fall, your contacts will be notified so they can check on you.

Incident detection also has the potential to help emergency services locate you if you’re injured and unable to tell them your location.

If you choose to use the incident detection feature, it’s important to make sure that your emergency contacts are aware that they may receive a message from the Garmin Connect app.

Please be mindful that you dont rely upon the Vivosmart 5 for an emergency response. It is not a replacement for emergency services.

6. What is LiveTrack And What Are It’s Benefit’s?

LiveTrack allows friends and family to follow your races and training activities in real time. You can invite followers using email or social media, allowing them to view your live data on a Garmin Connect tracking page.  If an emergency occurs, live tracking can notify your chosen contacts of your location and send them regular updates until you’re safe.


  • If you’re running a marathon and your family wants to track your progress, LiveTrack is perfect for them!
  • It’s also great for safety purposes. If you’re out on a run and something happens, your family or friends will be able to track your location and send help if needed.

7. What is Music Controls and What Are it’s Benefit’s?

Music controls allows you to control the music player on your phone. This is great if you are working out and don’t want to have to fumble around with your phone. You can skip tracks, go back to tracks, and even control the volume. This hands-free feature is especially useful when you’re sweating it out at the gym.


  • You can control the music player on your phone
  • You can skip tracks, go back to tracks, and even control the volume
  • This hands-free feature is especially useful when you’re sweating it out at the gym.

8. What are notifications and What Are It’s Benefit’s?

Notifications alerts you to view notifications from your phone, including calls, texts, social network updates, calendar appointments, and more, based on your phone notification settings. You can also select which notifications you’d like to receive on your device. For example, you can choose to view only calls and texts, or you may want to see all notifications. Notifications also let you know when new firmware is available for your device and when the battery is low.

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Notifications are a great way to stay connected to what’s going on with your phone without having to constantly check it. They can also be a great way to stay on top of your fitness and activity goals.

9. What is Software Updates And What Are it’s Benefit’s?

Software updates is where your watch wirelessly downloads and installs the latest software update from Garmin. This is important because it can add new features to your watch, or even fix bugs that may be present in the current software version.

The benefit of having the latest software update is that you always have access to the newest features and improvements that Garmin has to offer.

10. What is Weather Updates And What Are It’s Benefit’s?

Weather updates displays the current temperature and weather forecast from your phone. The Vivosmart 5 will also vibrate to alert you of any severe weather conditions in your area.

Having weather updates on your fitness tracker can be extremely beneficial, especially if you live an active lifestyle. If you know that the temperature is going to drop suddenly, you can make sure to dress appropriately for your workout. You can also use the weather forecast to plan your week ahead. If you know that it’s going to be sunny all week, you can make sure to schedule outdoor activities accordingly.

Not only is weather information useful for planning purposes, but it can also help you stay safe in case of severe weather conditions.

Final Conclusion

After going over the different Bluetooth features of the Garmin Vivosmart 5, it’s safe to say that this fitness tracker is definitely worth checking out. It’s a great way to improve your quality of life and make things a little bit easier. If you’re looking for a fitness tracker that does more than just track your steps, then the Garmin Vivosmart 5 is definitely the way to go.

Vivosmart 5 Bluetooth features
Garmin Vivosmart 5 : With 10 Bluetooth features built in, will make life a little much easier. Not bad for a fitness tracker.