Get the Most Out of Your Garmin Smartwatch: Training Effect

As a Garmin smartwatch user, you’re probably interested in getting the most out of your device. One of the great features of Garmin watches is their ability to measure Training Effect. This measures the impact of an activity on your aerobic and anaerobic fitness and accumulates during the activity. As the activity progresses, the Training Effect value increases. Training Effect is determined by your user profile information and training history, heart rate, duration, and intensity of your activity. In this article, we’ll explain what Training Effect is and how you can use it to get the most benefit from your workouts!

What is Training Effect and how does it work on Garmin watches?

Training Effect is a measure of the impact of an activity on your aerobic and anaerobic fitness. The value accumulates during the activity, based on your user profile information and training history, heart rate, duration, and intensity of the activity. As the activity progresses, the Training Effect value increases.

You can use Training Effect to see how different activities impact your fitness level and to tailor your workouts to get the most benefit from them. For example, if you’re trying to improve your aerobic fitness, you would want to do activities that have a high Training Effect value.

To see the Training Effect of an activity on your Garmin watch, go to the Activity History screen and select the activity. The Training Effect will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

If you’re not sure what an activity is, you can find out more by searching for it on the Garmin Connect website or app. Just select the activity from your list of activities and then select “More Details.” On the Activity Detail page, scroll down to the “Training Effect” section to learn more.

By understanding Training Effect and using it to guide your workouts, you can make sure you’re getting the most out of your Garmin smartwatch!

What is Anabolic Training Effect

This new metric builds on the success of Training Effect. It now tells you how your physical activities have affected your body at a physiological level. For the first time, you can see how different types of workouts have influenced your performance. Different types of training will cause your body to respond and adapt in different ways.

How does Anabolic Training Effect Work?

Firstbeat’s Anaerobic Training Effect calculation is based on a sophisticated neural network analysis of heart rate data. This analysis can interpret the complex patterns found in heart rate data. This calculation then identifies segments like sprints and other short bursts of sustained high-intensity activity. These activities are then interpreted relative to their impact on your future anaerobic performance capacity.

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Anaerobic Training Effect can be calculated from heartbeat data, which means that the calculation can be used to interpret any training activity. Running with a GPS-enabled running watch or cycling with a power meter provides additional data that helps to refine the calculation by identifying key high-intensity intervals.

When you work out harder than your body can handle, your oxygen debt goes up. This will help improve your anaerobic performance in the future, which will make you stronger.

What is Aerobic Training Effect

There are three ways to measure physical activity- by time, distance, and intensity. Training Effect is a different way of measuring physical activity that predicts how your efforts will impact your personal physiology. This is specifically related to how you will do in the future when it comes to aerobic performance capacity. Being able to see how a session impacts your fitness level allows you to identify the perfect training needed to reach your goals. You can also use Training Effect to guide workouts so that they are intense enough to promote recovery.

How does Aerobic Training Effect Work?

Training Effect is based on the ability of Firstbeat Analytics to predict how physical activity affects your body. This impact can be measured in terms of the amount of oxygen required to complete the adaptive responses to activity and the restorative work your body performs to return to a balanced condition. Firstbeat Analytics then takes the additional step of personalizing your feedback by interpreting it in light of your current fitness level and related variables.

The Firstbeat Analytics method for transforming heart rate data into EPOC values uses neural networks and machine learning techniques borrowed from the world of artificial intelligence. These analytic tools are used to find and understand complex patterns in heart rate and heart rate variability data. This allows for real-time assessment of exercise that unlocks new perspectives on training.

What are the different types of Training Effect that you can track on your watch?

There are four different types of Training Effect that you can track on your Garmin watch: aerobic, anaerobic, threshold, and VO₂max.

  • Aerobic : This is the most common type of Training Effect and occurs when you’re doing moderate-intensity activities like walking or jogging. The goal of aerobic training is to improve your cardiovascular fitness and increase your endurance.
  • Anaerobic : This type of Training Effect occurs when you’re doing high-intensity activities like sprinting or weightlifting. The goal of anaerobic training is to improve your power and speed.
  • Threshold : This type of Training Effect occurs when you’re working at or near your maximum heart rate. The goal of threshold training is to improve your endurance and VO₂max.
  • VO₂max : This is the highest level of aerobic fitness and occurs when you’re working at your maximal oxygen uptake. The goal of VO₂max training is to improve your aerobic fitness and increase your endurance
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You can use Training Effect to see how different activities impact your fitness level and to tailor your workouts to get the most benefit from them. By understanding Training Effect and using it to guide your workouts, you can make sure you’re getting the most out of your Garmin smartwatch!

What are some of the benefits of using Training Effect to improve your workouts?

There are many benefits of using Training Effect to improve your workouts, including:

  • Improved cardiovascular fitness : These are activities like running, jogging, walking, dancing, cycling hiking, basketball are all aerobic type exercises. This can lead into so many health benefits like Heart health, weight control, improve sleep, increase your metabolism and improve your immune system.
  • Increased endurance : By consistently improving your cardiovascular fitness, can lead to increased endurance. When your endurance will strengthen your heart and lungs which will improve your circulation, therefore boosts your stamina in your muscles
  • Improved power and speed : As your cardio and endurance improves, your power and speed will naturally improves
  • Improved VO₂max : Your ability to perform high intensity workouts will improve because your body’s reaction when absorbing oxygen into the body will be far greater.

Also as you progress through the process you can also adjust your level of progression

  • You can see how your body is responding to exercise.
  • You can make adjustments to improve your workouts.
  • You can monitor your progress over time

Are the any downsides to using this feature on your Garmin Watch?

There are no downsides to using Training Effect on your Garmin watch! This feature can help you improve your workouts and get the most out of your Garmin smartwatch. So go ahead and give it a try!

How can you use Training Effect to get the most out of your workouts and improve your performance over time?

Training Effect is a great way to measure the impact of an activity on your aerobic and anaerobic fitness. By using Training Effect, you can make sure you’re getting the most out of your workouts and improve your performance over time. Here’s how:

  • First, check out the different types of Training Effect that you can track on your watch. There are four different types of Training Effect: aerobic, anaerobic, threshold, and VO₂max.
  • Next, understand the benefits of using Training Effect to improve your workouts. Some of the benefits include improved cardiovascular fitness, increased endurance, and improved power and speed.
  • Finally, give it a try! There are no downsides to using Training Effect on your Garmin watch, so go ahead and give it a shot. You may just find that it’s the key to improving your workout performance!
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When you use both Anaerobic Training Effect and Classic Aerobic Training Effect, you have more control over your training. You can make sure your training matches what you want to achieve. This is important for athletes who want to better prepare for the unique demands of their sport or position.


At first I was quite skeptical on this type of training metric. But after doing some research to write about this topic, I quickly realised I was wrong. The sport science to find out the training effect unique to you is what impresses me the most. The guys at Firstbeat analytics have delivered a fantastic algorithm with Garmin tech is a fantastic.

For the training effect to work for you, you will need to keep updating your device with the information it needs. Results within the first 2-3 days maybe slightly off, but it is only like that because it does not have enough data to analyse your results. So keep updating your device for the best results.

In my opinion the training effect is a great and easy to understand metric for you to focus on in particular for people at a beginner level. Garmin knows their customer base quite well, especially people who live a busy lifestyle. The training effect works will for thee types of scenario’s as the training effect allows you to optimize your time when you plan your work outs.

Nearly all of the Garmin devices have the training effect built in to their wearable devices. You can check out the Garmin devices available at amazon for the latest prices.

Lastly a great video presented by Garmin that explains a lot of the stuff that I mentioned in the article. Thank you for reading