
Galaxy Watch 4 : Google Assistant Now Available, But

The Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 has just received a new update that brings some great features to the device. The update, which was released on May 24th, 2022, includes Google Assistant support.

This means that Galaxy Watch 4 users will now be able to take advantage of all the great features that Google Assistant has to offer. Some of these features include fast, more natural voice integrations and access to some of the most popular apps and services from Google.

But there is a catch. The update comes with conditions so I will explain more in detail what these entail.

The Update Has Finally Arrived

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, the update has finally arrived and it is Google Assistant. This will be a game changer for many users as it opens up a world of possibilities in terms of voice commands and integrations.

The update was released on May 24th, 2022 and it includes some great features that are sure to make your experience with the Galaxy Watch even better.

One of the best features of Google Assistant is its natural voice integration. This means that you will be able to use voice commands to control your watch more easily and efficiently.

In addition, you will also have access to some of the most popular apps and services from Google such as Maps, Pay, and YouTube Music. This is a great addition for those who want to get the most out of their Galaxy Watch.

Google Assistant Will Be Only Available to 10 Markets

While the update is what many Galaxy Watch 4 users have been waiting for, there is a catch. Google Assistant will only be available in ten markets: 

  • United States
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • France
  • Germany
  • Ireland
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan
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This means that if you live in any other country, you will not be able to take advantage of this great feature.

Google Assistant covers 21 countries using Android 8.0 or better. So 10 out of 21 ain’t so bad for the first update. Places like Vietnam, Sweden, New Zealand, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Russia, Spain, Brazil, Norway, Netherlands, Mexico and Italy are the remaining countries that Google Assistant covers.

As you can see, still a fair way to go but I will keep you posted on any new updates.

Google Assistant Will Vary In Those 10 Markets

Another huge disclaimer is that the Google Assistant update will be different in each of the ten markets that it is available in. This means that some features may be available in one market but not in another. For example, in the United States, you will be able to use Google Assistant to control your watch with voice commands but in Canada, you will only be able to use it for certain tasks.

This can be a bit confusing and frustrating for those who were looking forward to using Google Assistant on their Galaxy Watch but it is important to remember that this is still a very new feature. In time, it is likely that Samsung and Google will iron out these issues and make the experience more consistent across all markets.

Upon the announcement, there was no mention of the variation between markets and how Google Assistant would be different in each one. This led to many users feeling misled and frustrated.

Google Assistant Will Come in 12 Languages

Another big disclaimer is that the Google Assistant will come in 12 different languages. They are

  • English (American, Australian, Irish, United Kingdom, Canadian)
  • Danish
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • French (Canadian, France)
  • Canadian French
  • Taiwanese
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Obviously the language coverage is based on the 10 markets that were mentioned earlier. This is great news for those who were looking forward to using Google Assistant in their native language.

The remaining languages the Google Assistant Also Offers, but still yet to be available for the Galaxy Watch 4 are

  • English (New Zealand, India)
  • Espanyol (American, Mexico)
  • Spanish
  • Vietnamese
  • Thailand
  • German
  • Indian
  • Portuguese
  • Svenska (Swedish)
  • Norse (Norway)

Still a fair way to go before Google assistant is at full capacity. But for now will await and see when the remaining updates will come through.

Will Google Assistant Expand to New Markets in The Future?

During the press release there was no mention of this particular detail. On one hand it was amazing to hear that Samsung and Google were teaming up to provide such a great update to the Galaxy Watch. On the other hand it was frustrating to know that not everyone would be able to take advantage of it.

There is no doubt that Google Assistant is a game changer and will revolutionise the way we use our Galaxy Watches. I’m still hopeful that there may be further updates down the road which will expand the Google Assistant feature to more markets.

We can only wait and see what the future holds but for now, we can enjoy the update in the ten available markets.

The New Update Also Includes The Bixby

With most people excited about the Google assistant update, the update also includes Bixby. The press release didn’t go into detail but from what I can gather it’s about giving a choice. Use Bixby or Google assistant or both.

The new update seems to be a great move by Samsung. Offering users more choice and giving us the best of both worlds. language coverage may not be as advanced as Google Assistant, but everyone has a preference .

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Whether you use Bixby, Google Assistant or both, the new update is sure to make your Galaxy Watch experience even better.

Samsung Still Committed to Provide a Great User Experience.

It’s no secret, ever since the Google and Samsung partnership was announced, there has been a lot of excitement. The WearOS will over time form a single Ecosystem that will improve the overall experience for all Android users.

Google assistant is now part of the WearOS ecosystem, it won’t be too long until they start to see the benefits. I do think many people were expecting most of these features in its native system. However , Google has been clear that their goal is to provide a great user experience.

It’s hard to argue with that and I for one, am excited to see how this all unfolds in the coming months.

Final Conclusion

All in all, the Google assistant update is a great addition to the Galaxy Watch. It’s still early days and there are some kinks that need to be worked out such as market availability and language support. However, I am confident that Samsung and Google will iron out these issues in time.

Will there be another update that expands the Google Assistant feature to more markets? Only time will tell.

So for anyone who are in the 10 markets Australia, United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Canada, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Germany can download the new Google assistant feature. And for everyone else, we can only wait and see. I will provide further updates if the situation changes.